Table 4.
Study results on the INSTI- versus NNRTI-based treatment effects on gut microbiota in PLWH.
Study Title | Author | Publication Year | Participants | ART Mediated Alpha Diversity Changes | ART Mediated Beta Diversity Changes | ART Mediated Changes in Microbiome Composition | Stool Sample Analysis | ART Mediated Change on Bacterial Translocation or Systematic Inflammation Markers |
Exploring the interplay between antiretroviral therapy and the gut-oral microbiome axis in people living with HIV | Narayanan et al. [25] |
2024 | NNRTI vs. INSTI treated PLWH vs. seronegative individuals | - | - |
16S rRNS gene sequencing | - |
Differential effects of antiretrovirals on microbial translocation and gut microbiota composition of HIV-infected patients | Villanueva-Millán et al. [44] |
2017 | NNRTI vs. INSTI treated PLWH vs. ART-naïve PLWH vs. seronegative individuals |
- | INSTI:
16S rDNA pyrosequencing |
Gut microbiota alterations after switching from a protease inhibitor or efavirenz to raltegravir in a randomized, controlled study | Hanttu et al. [103] |
2023 | NNRTI-based to INSTI-based vs. PI-based to INSTI-based vs. NNRT-based vs. PI-based ART vs. seronegative controls | INSTI: alpha diversity restored | - | NNRTI to INSTI:
16S rRNS gene sequencing | NNRTI to INSTI: I-FABP and LBP unchanged |
Characterization of the intestinal microbiota in MSM with HIV infection | Fu et al. [104] |
2024 | NNRTI-based vs. INSTI-based vs. PI-based ART vs. ART-naïve PLWH vs. seronegative controls | NNRTI: reduced alpha diversity compared to ART-naïve PLWH | NNRTI: significantly different beta diversity compared to ART-naïve PLWH | NNRTI:
16S rRNS gene sequencing | - |