Table 2.
Question | Pre-Test | Post-Test |
Residents who require thickened beverages are at high risk for dehydration as compared to those who drink thin fluids. | 68% a | 82% a |
Food does not contribute to resident hydration needs. | 80% b | 83% b |
Residents will drink more when they are with their family or friends. | 72% a | 84% |
One way to increase fluid intake in residents is offering fluids between meals. | 86%a | 86% |
The thirst sensation is increased in older adults. | 71% b | 79% |
For residents needing assistance to drink, I am confident that I can help them to drink when I am doing other things with them. | 68% c | 76% |
With 1 being low and 10 being high…How would you rate your knowledge on how to support residents who do not drink enough? | 8.00 d | 9.00 |
Where 1 is easy to do and 10 is hard to do…Providing residents with fluid between meals is… | 5.00 d | 5.00 |
Note. Emboldened questions are significant at p < 0.05. a Percentage of participants responding to correctly true for a true/false question. b Percentage of participants responding to correctly false for a true/false question. c Percentage of participants agreeing or strongly agreeing with the statement. d Median based on a scale rating of 1–10.