Table 3.
Journal | Q | Authors (Year) and Reference | Population | Method | Intervention | Variables | Outcomes Analysed | Main Conclusions | |
Ph | Eur. J. Appl. Physiol | Q1 | Zamparo et al. (2005) [18] | 5 ♂ and ♀ 5 elite |
S; DB | 3 × 400 m + 2 km |
VO2; BLC; HR; BW; s; SR; WT | EC ± ♂ lower ♀ | EC with s; VO2
s EC ♀ < ♂; ST p on Eff/P |
Anthr | Anthropologischer Anzeiger | Q2 | Knechtle et al. (2008) [41] | 12 ♂ | S; DB | 12 h | BMI; BH; LC; SMM; FFM | Average distance covered | AntrC no p on P |
Anthr | Percept. Mot. Skills | Q3 | Knechtle et al. (2010) [42] | 39 ♂ 24 ♀ |
S; DB | 26.4 km | BM; BH; SF; lL; %FM; HC V (km/t); I (km/h) |
BH/BMI/Al r with t ♂ No r with P and AnthrC |
AntrC nor r in t ts r with t on ♀/♂; BMI on ♂ too |
Anthr | Hum. Mov. | Q2 | Knechtle et al. (2010) [43] | 15 ♂ | S; DB | 26.4 km | AntrC; BM; BH; BMI; lL; %FM; Σ7SF; YAS; tV (t/km); ts; TRt; Rs | TRt; Rs r: AnthrC+tv/TRt |
ts predictor P ♂ AnthrC no p with P |
Ph | Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab. | Q2 | Pyne et al. (2014) [2] | ♂ and ♀ elite |
DB | Seasonal | AnthrC; Ee; Rl; I; Gl | BH; FFM; Pw; aPw; E; VO2; BLC | Rs determined by medium, style employed and methods used |
Ph | Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab. | Q2 | Shaw et al. (2014) [19] | ♂ and ♀ elite |
S; DB | Seasonal | BC; FFM; Gl; PhC; Erc; ErA; VO2max | FFM; VO2max; OpGl; Cff | sNr fRp |
Nt | Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. | Q1 | VanHeest et al. (2014) [44] | 10 ♀ Elite |
DB | 12 weeks | Bv; AnthrC; s; EI; EA | BH; BW; BC; MS; EI; EA; H; P | Dp is crucial H r with P |
Nt | J. Exerc. Nutr. Biochem. | Q3 | Domínguez et al. (2017) [7] | ♂ and ♀ | S; DB | Seasonal | CHOI; PI; FI; Hc; ErA | CHO; Pt; F; Hr; Cff; Cr; B; β-a; N; vD; Bc; HMB | P with Hs and Erg |
B | Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. | Q1 | Zamparo et al. (2020) [45] | ♂ and ♀ | S; DB | Seasonal | Eff sw; Hd; Er; Ep; s and Em; dPbGSl; Ept; BfaaPw | cEff and Ecsswpt; iHr; EC; dPbGSl; tv; BfaaPw | Eff y Ec by iPsa EC varies AS; dPbGSl tv Eff and P Importance mBMch |
Nt | Nutrients | Q1 | Jiménez-Alfageme et al. (2022) [25] | 103 ♂ and 29 ♀ | S; DB | Seasonal | Sf; Ms; ErA | Sf; Ms; ErA | Sf; Ms; ErA to P |
G | Biol. Sport | Q1 | Ben-Zaken et al. (2022) [1] | ♂ and ♀ | DB | - | Gp | Ra-s; A-ce; AIIp; K-ks; Br; Amd; Rα; Vegf; hACTN3g; Ltg; M; SNPIL6–174G/C | Importance Gp on environmental and physiological demands to P |
♂: male; ♀: female; A-ce: angiotensin-converting enzyme; AIIp: angiotensin II production; Al: arm length; Amd: adenosine monophosphate deaminase; AnthrC: anthropometric characteristics; aPw: aerobic power; AS: athlete’s skill; B: bicarbonate; BC: body composition; Bc: bovine colostrum; BfaaPw: biomechanical factors affecting athletic performance in the water; BH: body height; BLC: blood lactate concentration; blue: target; BM: body mass; BMI: body mass index; Br: bradykinin; Bv: blood variables; BW: body weight; cEff and Ecswpt: comparisons of efficiency and economy in swimming and other aquatic; Cff: caffeine; CHO: carbohydrate; CHOI: CHO intake; Cr: creatine; Dp: dietary periodisation; dPbGSl: differences in performance between genders and skill levels; E: endurance; EA: energy availability; EC: energy cost; Eff: efficiency; EI: energy intake; Em: economy of movement; Ep: efficient propulsion; Ept: effects of propulsion tools; Er: energy requirements; ErA: ergogenic aids; Erc: energy recommendations; F: fats; FFM: fat-free mass; FI: fat intake; FM: fat mass; fRp: flexibility in career race plans; Gl: glucose levels; Gp: genetic polymorphism; green: improvement; H: hormones dietary periodisation; hACTN3g: Human ACTN3 gene; HC: hip circumference; Hc: hydration control, Hd: hydrodynamic drag; Hs: hydration strategy; HMB: β-hydroxy-βmethylbutyrate; HR: heart rate; Hr: hydration requirements, I: intensity, iHr: impact of hydrodynamic resistance; iPsa: increase in propulsive surface area; K-ks: kallikrein–kinin system; LC: limb circumference, lL: length of limbs; Ltg: lactate transport genes; M: Myostatin, mBMch: movement biomechanics; Ms: medical supplements; MS: muscle strength; N: nitrate; Nt: nutrition; P: performance; p: significant; PhC: physiological characteristics; PI: protein intake; Pt: protein; Pw: power; Rs: results; Ra-s: renin–angiotensin system; Rl: race length; Rs: race speed; Rα: receptor alpha; s: speed; S: strength; SF: skin folds; Sf: sport foods; SMM: skeletal muscle mass; sNr: specific nutritional recommendations; SR: stroke rate; ST: swimming technique; sw: swimming; t: time; TRt: total race time; ts: training speed; tv: training variables; tV: training volume; UL: upper limbs; V: volume; vD: vitamin D; Vegf: vascular endothelial growth factor; WT: water temperature; YAS: years active swimmer; yellow: possibility; β-a: β-alanine.