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. 2024 Nov 7;24(22):7164. doi: 10.3390/s24227164
Algorithm 1. Event-driven- maximum correntropy filter based on Cauchy kernel (ED-MCFCK)
1 Initialization: x^0, P0
2 For k = 1,2,…
3   Compute X^k/k1 and Pk/k1 as (22) and (23) of Kalman filtering procedures;
4   Calculate filter’s innovation vector as well as its covariance as (44) and (45), and further construct the normalized innovation vector as (47).
5   Compute and conduct the event driven condition by (48).
6   If Z¯k<κβ and τk=0, set the state prediction X^k/k1 and Pk/k1 as the final state estimation.
7   If κβZ¯kκα and τk=1, execute (24)–(26) to obtain system state esti-mation X^k and Pk.
8   If Z¯k>κα and τk=0, (indicating the presence of non-Gaussian noise in the measurement information), the MCFCK is driven.
9    Let the iteration index t = 1 and X^k1=X^k/k1;
10     Compute P˜k/k1 and R˜k according to (40) and (41), and further calcu late filter gain K˜k by (39).
11     Compute X^kt by (38) and test the Condition (42);
12     If Condition ε
13     Let t = t + 1 (iterations) and X^k=X^kt+1, and conduct the next iteration.
14     Else, the iterative process is terminated and X^k=X^kt.
15   Compute the posterior error covariance matrix by (43).