Figure 2.
Yeast two-hybrid assay for identifying the interaction between IBV-Nsp2 and the chicken kidney cDNA library. The toxicity (A,B) and autoactivation activity (C) of the bait plasmid pGBKT7-Nsp2 in Y2H cells were detected. (D) Reversion verification test of the Nsp2 potential interaction genes. The plasmid to be verified and the pGBKT7-Nsp2 plasmid were co-transformed into Y2H yeast competent cells, cultivated on QDO/X/A plates at 30 °C for 5 days. (E) PCR products from positive clones of the cDNA library. Lane M was the DL10,000 DNA marker. Lanes 1−25 are 25 host proteins interacting with the IBV Nsp2 protein in the following order: ITGA1, DNAJA1, ATP1B1, ATP1B3, NFIA, RPL12, RARRES2, ND1, PCNA, LEO1, COX1, COX3, AKIP1, THEM4, PECAM1, ABCB1, COL4A4, SORBS2, IREB2, SELENBP1, NET1, LOXL1, PSMB1, ISCA1, and FAM96B.