Tobamovirus subgroup designation, based on the MP ORF overlap with either the 183 kDa ORF, the CP ORF, both OTFs, or neither ORF. Subgroup 1 tobamoviruses contain an overlap between the 183 kDa ORF and the MP ORF, but not between the MP ORF and the CP ORF. Subgroup 2 tobamoviruses contain no overlap between any of these ORFs. Subgroup 3 tobamoviruses contain overlaps between both sets of ORFs (183 kDa ORF and MP ORF, as well as MP ORF and CP ORF). Subgroup 4 tobamoviruses contain no overlap between the 183 kDa ORF and the MP ORF, but contain an overlap between the MP ORF and CP ORF, in some cases extended to deep within the CP ORF.