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. 2024 Nov 13;8(Suppl 5):e015771. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2024-015771

Table 2. Characteristics of included studies.

Paper characteristics* Total papers extracted: 110
Number of papers 110
Types of private sector actors covered
 Private healthcare facilities (hospitals, health centres, clinics, etc) 92
 Private insurance companies or HMOs 30
 Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) (national and international)/civil society organisations (CSOs) 24
 Pharmacies and other retailers 21
 Laboratories 7
Governance tools discussed
 Regulation/legislation 62
 Contracting/purchasing 47
 Support/collaboration/guidance 22
 Accreditation 8
 Taxation 1
 Public accountability mechanisms 5
Level of governance covered
 National 88
 Subnational 30
WHO regions of LMICs covered
 African Region (AFR) 63
 Region of the Americas (AMR) 24
 South-East Asian Region (SEAR) 43
 European Region (EUR) 16
 Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) 29
 Western Pacific Region (WPR) 27
Journal/publication type
 Health and health systems journals 62
 Social policy and development journals 11
 Reports 27
 Other 9
Data collection methods
 Qualitative study 45
 Quantitative study 3
 Mixed methods 19
 Reviews (document/literature) 38
 N/A 5

Many publications include more than one category of private sector actor, governance tool, WHO region, or data collection method.

Other publications include book chapters, policy briefs, and academic theses.

These are papers which do not employ any data collection method and which are conceptual in nature.

HMOshealth maintenance organisationsLMICslow- and middle-income countries