Fig. 5.
Vertebrate-infecting viruses in SARSr-CoVs positive libraries and intersection among bats with or without CoVs and bats with ectoparasites.
(A) Heat map of contigs of vertebrate-infecting viruses in the Illumina sequencing libraries including the 11 SARSr-CoV positive individuals. The virome is shown by genus, if it is unclassified, shown by the family. (B) The Euler diagram of bats with or without CoVs and bats with ectoparasites in different locations. Violet indicates the number of bats with ectoparasites (e). Red indicates the number of bats with CoVs positive (c). Green indicates the number of bats collected in each site (b). The circle was scaled by the counts. The sizes of intersection areas (pink) positively correlated with number of intersection elements. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)