Monomer yields from lignin extracted from white pine sawdust
three different approaches. Monomer yields obtained after hydrogenolysis
(optimal conditions, see Supporting Information) of extractives-free sawdust and lignin extracted by three different
methods (FA, boron, Klason) are shown.12,32 (A) Monomer
yields based on extracted lignin from extractives-free white pine
sawdust. The highest monomer yield able to be obtained from white
pine sawdust (24%) via “lignin first” strategy is shown
for comparison. Thus, 24% = 100% as it is the maximum yield of cleavable
monomers from the biomass. (B) Monomer yield based on hydrogenated
oil (white pine). Yields shown are the average of three samples; student’s t-test was used for statistical comparison (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ns = not significant).