PD causal variants are colored purple, and mitochondrial genes are colored orange. Differentially expressed PD causal variants are additionally labeled by gene name. a, Idiopathic case samples with no SNCA/LRRK2/GBA mutation were compared to control samples with no PD-related mutations. b,c,d, Control samples with no PD-related mutations were compared to case samples with GBA+ (b), LRRK2+ (c), and SNCA+ (d) mutations. e, LRRK2+ case samples were compared to LRRK2− case samples. f, log(CPM) SNCA expression in HC, IPD, SNCA+ case, GBA+ case, and LRRK2+ case samples corrected by predicted neutrophil percentage, stratified by genetic cohort. HC includes control samples with no SNCA/LRRK2/GBA mutations. Adjusted p-values are labeled according to the adjusted p-value of SNCA differential expression from respective DE analyses. The dotted red line represents the median SNCA expression in HC samples.