Rows highlighted with bold text denote genes that are significantly differentially expressed (FDR<0.05), all other genes show a trend towards differential expression (FDR<0.10). The rows are ordered by Log2FC (lowest to highest). Definitions: Log2FC = Log2 Fold Change (ELS vs. Control), SE = Standard Error, CI_lb=confidence interval lower bound, CI_ub=confidence interval upper bound, p-value = nominal p-value, FDR = False Discovery Rate (q-value). A positive Log2FC denotes that a gene’s expression is higher in the experimental group compared to the control group (upregulated: highlighted grey), with higher positive values indicating greater increases. A negative Log2FC indicates lower expression in the experimental group relative to the control (downregulated), where larger negative values signify more substantial decreases. The # of comparisons represents the number of datasets that included measurements for the gene following quality control.