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[Preprint]. 2024 Nov 23:2024.11.22.624409. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.11.22.624409

Figure 4:

Figure 4:

(A)TIF was induced by UUO model in CAGS-rtTA/WT-Sh3 or -ASD2Δ-Sh3 [n=4 vs 5]. (B) Bar graph representing the relative mRNA expression using ASD2-domain specific primers. (C) Representative images of (C) Masson’s Trichrome staining (MTS-20X) and (E) Picrosirius red (plane polarized light 20X) to evaluate TIF in UUO kidneys. (D, F) Dot plots quantify MTS and Sirius red among all mice, respectively (>10 hpf per animal). (G) Representative immunoblots of whole kidney lysates from UUO kidneys of WT-Sh3 or -ASD2Δ-Sh3 mice probed for P-SMAD3, SMAD3, GAPDH, and (H) dot plots show respective quantification of P-SMAD3:SMAD3 ratio by densitometry. (I) Bar graph representing the relative mRNA expression (qPCR) of fibrotic/injury, inflammatory and tubular markers between UUO kidneys between transgenic lines. [Line and whiskers indicate mean ± SEM; Unpaired T-Test *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; DEGs=Differentially expressed genes].