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[Preprint]. 2024 Nov 13:2024.11.13.24315462. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.11.13.24315462

Table 3.

Characteristics of studies included in meta-analysis

Study Extraction Participant characteristics fMRI language task(s) LI calculation method (voxel count vs magnitude, threshold)
Adcock et al. (2003) Individual participant data from article Left & right; TLE; mostly HS & tumors; adult sample with one pediatric case (age range: 15–54y) Phonemic fluency Frontal ROI. Magnitude of activation in ROI
Appel et al. (2012) Individual participant data from article Left & right; TLE; mostly HS or MRI negative; adult sample (age range: 18–55y) Auditory description decision Frontal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Arora et al. (2009) Individual participant data from article Left & right; mixed epilepsy locations; etiology not reported; adult and pediatric (age range: 12–51y). Semantic and phonemic fluency*, visual sentence comprehension and auditory sentence comprehension Whole brain ROI. Voxel count, threshold of t=2 across ROI (chosen out of a range of thresholds as it demonstrated the greatest stability)
Audrain et al. (2018) Individual participant data from author Left only; TLE; etiology not specified; adult sample (age range: 23–58y) Conjunction of 4 language tasks: covert verb generation, sentence comprehension, category fluency and naming to description Frontal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Banjac et al. (2021) Individual participant data from article Left & right; TLE; etiology not specified; adult sample (age range: 19–54y) Sentence generation Frontal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Banjac et al. (2022) Individual participant data from article Left only; TLE; etiology not specified; adult sample (age range: 23–58y). Sentence generation Frontal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Benjamin et al. (2017) Individual participant data from article Left & right; mostly TLE, 1 frontal and 1 fronto-temporal; mixed etiology; adult sample with one pediatric case (age range: 16–56y). Conjunction of 3 lexico-semantic tasks: object naming, word reading, naming to description Frontal + Temporal ROI. Voxel count, fixed threshold with a joint probability of p < 0.001 across ROI
Binder et al. (2010) Individual participant data from article Left only; TLE; etiology not specified; adult sample (age range: 21–69y) Semantic decision Frontal + temporal ROI. Voxel count, significantly activated voxels were defined as those with a task effect beta coefficient corresponding to p < 0.001 in ROIs
Brazdil et al. (2005) Individual participant data from article Left only; TLE; all HS; adult sample (age range: 19–53y) Phonemic fluency Frontal ROI. Voxel count in ROI, threshold unreported
Cano-Lopez et al. (2018) Individual participant data from author Left & right; mostly TLE, also frontal, parietal and occipital; mixed etiology; adult sample (age range: 18–61y) Story comprehension Frontal + temporal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Carpentier et al. (2001) Individual participant data from article Left only: mostly TLE, also frontal and temporoparietal; mixed etiology; adult sample (age range: 24–51y) Conjunction of syntactic and semantic judgements on auditorily and visually presentenced sentences Frontal + temporal ROI. Voxel count, threshold of t>1.5 in ROI
de Ribaupierre et al. (2012) Individual participant data from article Left only; TLE and FLE; mostly dysplasia; pediatric sample (age range: 7–15y) Sentence generation Whole brain ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.05 and p<0.01 (FDR) in ROI
Everts et al. (2010) Individual participant data from article Left & right; frontal, temporal and other; mixed etiology; pediatric sample (age range: 7–17y) Phonemic fluency Frontal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Fernandes et al. (2006) Individual participant data from article Left & right; frontal, temporal and other; etiology not specified; pediatric sample (age range: 10–17y) Verb generation Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated above 2.25 SD of the mean for each participant. LIs were then recomputed by using the average cross-correlation value of activated voxels (using the same 2.25 SD criteria) within the same ROI
Genetti et al. (2013) Individual participant data from article Left & right; mostly temporal; etiology not specified; adult and pediatric sample (age range: 11–48y) Auditory semantic decision task Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p < 0.05 (FWE) in ROIs
Gross et al. (2022) Individual participant data from author Left TLE; mixed etiologies; adult sample (age range: 18–68y) Semantic decision Frontal + temporal ROI. Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Herfurth et al. (2022) Individual participant data from article Left only; mostly temporal; mostly HS; adult sample (age range: 20–57y) Verb generation Frontal ROI. Sum of threshold surviving t-values per left and right ROI.
Hertz-Pannier et al. (1997) Individual participant data from article Left & right; mostly TLE; etiology not specified; pediatric sample (age range: 8–17y). 1 patient removed as side of epilepsy was not reported. Phonological or semantic fluency Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated on a correlation coefficient map above the threshold of r=0.7 in ROI
Koc et al. (2020) Individual participant data from article Left & right; mostly TLE; mostly HS; adult sample (age range: 18–49y) Verb generation Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.05 in ROI
Kokkinos and Seimenis (2024) Individual participant data from author Left & right; TLE; some HS; adult and pediatric sample (age range: 11–52y) Sentence generation*, reading comprehension, listening comprehension Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated in the BOLD maximum (area of highest statistical change with effect) in ROIs.
Koop et al. (2021) Individual participant data from article Left only; location and etiology not specified; pediatric sample (range unknown, mean = 13y) Conjunction of different language tasks based on age, including: rhyming, sentence completion, auditory response naming, antonym generation and word generation Frontal + temporal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.001 in ROIs
Miro et al. (2014) Correlation coefficient from article Left only; TLE; all HS; adult sample (range unknown, LH group mean = 41y, RH group mean = 45y) Passive sentence listening Frontal + temporal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.05 (FDR) in ROI
Norrelgen et al. (2015) Individual participant data from article Left & right; TLE and some frontal and multifocal; mixed etiology; pediatric sample with two adults (age range: 8–18y). Verb generation* and story listening Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.001 in ROIs
Okahara et al. (2024) Individual participant data from article Left & right; TLE; etiology not specified; mostly adult sample with 2 children (age range: 14–62y) Passive listening Temporal ROI. Count of voxels activated with an extent threshold of >10 voxels.
Sabbah et al. (2003) Individual participant data from article Left & right: mostly TLE; mixed etiology; adult and pediatric sample (age range: 9–48y) Semantic fluency Whole brain ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.0001 in ROI
Stasenko et al. (2022) Individual participant data from article Left & right: TLE; mostly HS; adult sample (age range: 22–49y) Semantic judgement Frontal + temporal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.01 in ROI
Sveller et al. (2006) Correlation coefficient from article Left TLE; mixed etiology; adult sample (range unknown, mean = 32y) Verb generation Frontal + temporal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.001 in ROI
Szaflarski et al. (2008) Individual participant data from article Left & right; mostly TLE; mostly HS; adult sample with one child (age range: 17–53y). Verb generation* and semantic decision/tone decision Frontal + temporal ROI. Count of voxels with z-scores ≥ 2.58 in ROI
Thivard et al. (2005) Individual participant data from article Left & right; TLE: mostly HS; adult sample (age range: 18–55y) Semantic fluency* and story listening Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.05 (FWE) in ROIs
Tivarus et al. (2012) Individual participant data from article Left only; mostly TLE; mostly HS; adult sample (age range: 39–69y) Conjunction of four language tasks: verb generation, semantic decision, definition naming and passive sentence reading Frontal + temporal ROI. Count of voxels with z-scores ≥ 2.3 in ROI
Trimmel et al. (2019) Individual participant data from author Left & right; TLE; etiology not specified; adult sample (age range: 19–58y) Phonemic fluency* and auditory naming* Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.05 (FWE) in ROIs
van der Kallen et al. (1998) Individual participant data from article Left; mostly temporal; etiology not specified; adult sample (age range: 26–49y) Verb generation Whole brain ROI. Count of voxels activated above p<0.0001 in ROI.
Voets et al. (2006) Individual participant data from article Left only; TLE; mostly HS; mostly adult sample (age range: 15–53y) Phonemic fluency Frontal ROI. Activation change in voxels with maximum activation ROI
Wilke et al. (2011) Individual participant data from author Left & right; FLE and TLE; mixed etiology; pediatric sample with 2 adults (age range: 5–18y) Expressive letter task* and receptive beep-stories task Frontal ROI. LI toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
Yuan et al. (2006) Individual participant data from article Left & right; mixed location and etiology, many MRI negative; pediatric sample with 2 adults (age range: 8–19y). Verb generation Frontal ROI. Count of voxels activated above threshold calculated from the mean value of the t-statistics for all voxels within ROI
CNH sample Additional sample Left & right; mixed location and etiology including MRI negative; mostly pediatric sample with 17 adults (age range: 5–23y) Auditory description decision Frontal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROIs
GOSH sample Additional sample Left & right; mixed location and etiology; pediatric sample with 1 adult (age range: 4–19y) Verb generation Frontal ROI. LI-toolbox: Voxel count/value, mean LIs determined across different thresholds using bootstrapping methods in ROI

Indicates the language task used if multiple were reported.

Indicates the language task used for the temporal LI if different from the task used for the frontal LI.

fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; FDR = false discovery rate; FWE = family wise error; CNH = Children’s National Medical Centre; GOSH = Great Ormond Street Hospital; HS = hippocampal sclerosis; LI = laterality index; ROI = region of interest; TLE = temporal lobe epilepsy.