Figure 9. Decreased MUC5B sulfated O-glycans in LSGs from patients with SjD.
(A–F) Representative images of immunohistochemical detection of partially glycosylated MUC5B (PANH2) (A and D), the MUC5B polypeptide backbone independent of its glycosylation status (EU-MUC5Bb) (B and E), and sulfo-Lewis a and c residues (F2) (C and F) in serial sections of LSGs from individuals acting as controls (A–C) and patients with SjD (D–F). Scale bars: 50 μm. (G) Spearman’s correlation between Gal3STs activity and the percentage of sulfo-Lewis a and c (F2)-positive acini. *P < 0.05 was considered significant. (H) Oligosaccharide mixtures of MUC5B obtained by reductive β-elimination analyzed by HPAEC-PAD in LSGs from individuals acting as controls (black line) and patients with SjD (blue line). The asterisk in H shows a peak detected in control samples but not in SjD samples. nC, chromatographic fingerprint of the signal.