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. 2024 Oct 26;38(1):e5283. doi: 10.1002/nbm.5283



Close up comparison of not corrected (MoCo OFF ‐ A) and corrected for motion (MoCo ON ‐ B) T1 weighted GRE images of a healthy volunteer who was asked not to move but who was not immobilised with pads. Note the improved sharpness of vascular structures in the cerebellum and the crisper edges of the brain with motion correction. Red dashed line mark the profile section. Horizontal profiles of not corrected (C) and corrected (B) images. The dip from the middle of the profiles going through cerebral falx was taken to quantify image sharpness (see results). The motion score was: 0.56 mm, the ratio of the variance of the image Laplacian for corrected vs uncorrected was: 1.35.