VEGFA is the potential regulator molecule of PC and the downstream target of miR‐378a‐3p. (A, B) Prediction and validation of the binding sites between miR‐378a‐3p and VEGFA. (C, D) Analysis of VEGFA expression in tumor and normal tissues through GEPIA and TCGA databases. (E, F) Detection of VEGFA expression in tumor tissues, normal tissues, PC cell lines, and normal pancreatic cells. (G, H) Examination of VEGFA expression in tumor tissues at different cancer stages. (I) Evaluation of the impact of the miR‐378a‐3p inhibitor on VEGFA expression. (J) Survival analysis based on VEGFA expression in PC patients from the TCGA database. Significance levels are denoted as (***, p < 0.001; **, p < 0.01; *, p < 0.05).