SAXS profiles for 1 wt % aqueous dispersions of PU, composed
soft segment of Mn: (a) 650 g mol–1, (b) 1000 g mol–1, and (c) 2000
g mol–1, with hard block contents of 50 wt.% (blue
circles), 60 wt.% (green squares), and 70 wt.% (red triangles). Some
of the profiles are offset by the indicated multiplication factor
to avoid their overlap. Solid curves show fitting of the SAXS model.
Plot (d) shows, for a representative HB50_SS1000 PUD, the decomposition
of the SAXS model fitting curve into scattering signals originating
from two populations: spherical PU particles, I1(q) (dotted curve), and supramolecular PU
structure, I2(q) (dashed