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. 2024 Oct 28;79:103829. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2024.103829

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the two cohorts: patients treated without neoadjuvant systemic treatment (no systemic therapy or adjuvant systemic therapy only), and patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic treatment.

No neoadjuvant systemic treatment (no systemic treatment or only adjuvant)
(N = 49,631)
Neoadjuvant systemic treatment (NST)
(N = 10,154)
Year of diagnosis
 2012 10,593 (21.3 %) 1341 (13.2 %)
 2013 10,243 (20.6 %) 1688 (16.6 %)
 2014 10,023 (20.2 %) 2024 (19.9 %)
 2015 9413 (19.0 %) 2575 (25.4 %)
 2016 9359 (18.9 %) 2526 (24.9 %)
Age (years)
 Median (IQR) 62 (52–70) 50 (44–60)
 <40 1660 (3.3 %) 1424 (14.0 %)
 40-49 6837 (13.8 %) 3269 (32.2 %)
 50-59 13,021 (26.2 %) 2737 (27.0 %)
 60-69 15,324 (30.9 %) 1889 (18.6 %)
 70–79 9440 (19.0 %) 547 (5.4 %)
 >79 3349 (6.7 %) 288 (2.8 %)
Menopausal status
 premenopausal 7731 (15.6 %) 4003 (39.4 %)
 perimenopausal 2354 (4.7 %) 673 (6.6 %)
 postmenopausal 34,958 (70.4 %) 4264 (42.0 %)
 unknown 4588 (9.2 %) 1214 (12.0 %)
Socioeconomic status∗
 low 14,531 (29.3 %) 2651 (26.1 %)
 medium 19,657 (39.6 %) 3929 (38.7 %)
 high 15,443 (31.1 %) 3574 (35.2 %)
Mode of detection
 Clinically detected 25,747 (51.9 %) 8352 (82.3 %)
 Screen-detected 23,355 (47.1 %) 1544 (15.2 %)
 unknown 529 (1.1 %) 258 (2.5 %)
 left 25,212 (50.8 %) 5276 (52.0 %)
 right 24,416 (49.2 %) 4878 (48.0 %)
 unknown 3 (0.0 %)
 outer quadrants (C50.4–6) 23,515 (47.4 %) 4524 (44.6 %)
 inner quadrants (C50.2–3) 10,118 (20.4 %) 1635 (16.1 %)
 central parts (C50.0–1) 3858 (7.8 %) 748 (7.4 %)
 overlapping lesions (C50.8) 11,474 (23.1 %) 3139 (30.9 %)
 unknown 666 (1.3 %) 108 (1.1 %)
Histological tumour type
 ductal 40,321 (81.2 %) 8609 (84.8 %)
 lobular 5570 (11.2 %) 1046 (10.3 %)
 mixed ductal lobular 1425 (2.9 %) 233 (2.3 %)
 other 2315 (4.7 %) 266 (2.6 %)
Differentiation grade
 grade 1 12,865 (25.9 %) 790 (7.8 %)
 grade 2 22,829 (46.0 %) 3102 (30.5 %)
 grade 3 12,449 (25.1 %) 2378 (23.4 %)
 unknown 1488 (3.0 %) 3884 (38.3 %)
 no 42,343 (85.3 %) 7312 (72.0 %)
 yes 7112 (14.3 %) 2727 (26.9 %)
 unknown 176 (0.4 %) 115 (1.1 %)
Clinical tumour stage
 cTIS 1119 (2.3 %)
 cT1 32,918 (66.3 %) 1553 (15.3 %)
 cT2 12,898 (26.0 %) 5870 (57.8 %)
 cT3 1195 (2.4 %) 1959 (19.3 %)
 cT4 253 (0.5 %) 772 (7.6 %)
 unknown 1248 (2.5 %) -
Clinical nodal stage
 cN0 44,726 (90.1 %) 4226 (41.6 %)
 cN1 4401 (8.9 %) 5024 (49.5 %)
 cN2 65 (0.1 %) 203 (2.0 %)
 cN3 68 (0.1 %) 701 (6.9 %)
 unknown 371 (0.7 %)
Pathological tumour classification
 pT0 2358 (23.2 %)
 pTIS 410 (4.0 %)
 pT1 34,677 (69.9 %) 4052 (39.9 %)
 pT2 13,502 (27.2 %) 2351 (23.2 %)
 pT3 1213 (2.4 %) 632 (6.2 %)
 pT4 239 (0.5 %) 116 (1.1 %)
 unknown 235 (2.3 %)
Pathological nodal classification
 pN0 35,116 (70.8 %) 5284 (52.0 %)
 pN1 11,944 (24.1 %) 3234 (31.8 %)
 pN2 1631 (3.3 %) 818 (8.1 %)
 pN3 940 (1.9 %) 372 (3.7 %)
 unknown 446 (4.4 %)
Hormonal receptor status + treatment
 positive∗∗ + endocrine therapy 26,610 (53.6 %) 6823 (67.2 %)
 positive∗∗ – endocrine therapy 16,270 (32.8 %) 364 (3.6 %)
 negative 6267 (12.6 %) 2858 (28.1 %)
 unknown 484 (1.0 %) 109 (1.1 %)
HER2 status + treatment
 negative 43,032 (86.7 %) 7438 (73.3 %)
 positive + targeted therapy 3665 (7.4 %) 2445 (24.1 %)
 positive – targeted therapy 1581 (3.2 %) 66 (0.7 %)
 unknown∗∗∗ 1353 (2.7 %) 205 (2.0 %)
Ductal carcinoma in situ present
 no 23,843 (48.0 %) 6214 (61.2 %)
 yes 25,167 (50.7 %) 3612 (35.6 %)
 unknown 621 (1.3 %) 328 (3.2 %)
Molecular diagnostics∗∗∗∗
 no 44,630 (89.9 %) 9903 (97.5 %)
 yes, low risk 2990 (6.0 %) 97 (1.0 %)
 yes, high risk 1767 (3.6 %) 142 (1.4 %)
 yes, unknown result 244 (0.5 %) 12 (0.1 %)
Type of surgery + RT + immediate breast reconstruction
 BCS + RT 31,692 (63.9 %) 4947 (48.7 %)
 BCS – RT 689 (1.4 %) 153 (1.5 %)
 mastectomy + RT – immediate breast reconstruction 4008 (8.1 %) 2718 (26.8 %)
 mastectomy + RT + immediate breast reconstruction 682 (1.4 %) 667 (6.6 %)
 mastectomy – RT – immediate breast reconstruction 9420 (19.0 %) 876 (8.6 %)
 mastectomy – RT + immediate breast reconstruction 3140 (6.3 %) 793 (7.8 %)
Axillary lymph node dissection
 no 42,072 (84.8 %) 6454 (63.6 %)
 yes 7559 (15.2 %) 3700 (36.4 %)
 no 33,078 (66.6 %) 863 (8.5 %)
 yes 16,553 (33.4 %) 9291 (91.5 %)
Pathologic complete response
 no NA 7527 (74.1 %)
 yes NA 2215 (21.8 %)
 unknown NA 412 (4.1 %)
Vital status at end of follow-up
 alive 42,007 (84.6 %) 8385 (82.6 %)
 deceased (all causes) 7624 (15.4 %) 1769 (17.4 %)
Locoregional recurrence as first event
 no 48,541 (97.8 %) 9820 (96.7 %)
 yes 1090 (2.2 %) 334 (3.3 %)
Contralateral breast tumour as first event
 no 48,065 (96.8 %) 9955 (98.0 %)
 yes 1566 (3.2 %) 199 (2.0 %)

∗SES was based on scores assigned to the four numbers of the Dutch postal code, extracted from the Netherlands Institute for Social Research.∗∗either ER or PR positive or both. ∗∗∗includes 2+ result of immunohistochemistry (0.3 %). ∗∗∗∗either oncotype DX or mammaprint. intermediate risk oncotype (<0.1 %) classified as low risk.

Abbreviations: NST = neoadjuvant systemic treatment, IQR = interquartile range, p = pathological (post-operative), T = tumour, N = nodal, IS = in situ, HER2 = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, NA = not applicable, BCS = breast-conserving surgery, RT = radiation therapy.