Table 1.
Domain | Impact of OI on quality of life a | Worries and concerns b |
Physical well-being and functioning | Ability to self-care | Getting older |
Ability to live independently | Ability to care for oneself | |
Sexual health | Living independently | |
Losing independence | ||
Losing mobility | ||
Ability to have a family | ||
OI complications | ||
Future fractures | ||
Pregnancy | ||
Menopause | ||
Careers and finances | Work hours | Losing a job |
Job type | Future financial situation | |
Career choices | Financial means to pay for treatment and care | |
Social life and relationships | Type of leisure activities | Relationship with family and friends |
Social life | Romantic relationship | |
Relationships with family and friends | Future of care recipients with OI | |
Romantic relationships | ||
Mental well-being | Mental health | |
Happiness | ||
Healthcare | Access to doctors | |
Access to medicines | ||
Access to care | ||
Side effects of treatment |
Abbreviations: OI, osteogenesis imperfecta
aQuestions 102 & 106 “In the past 12 months, how would you describe the impact that OI has had on your life?”, where respondents received the following instructions: “This question is about understanding the ‘negative’ impacts or challenges you have faced”; bQuestions 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, & 109 “Do you feel worried or concerned about any of the following things?”