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. 2024 Nov 28;24:1387. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-06301-5

Table 2.

Stanford Clinical Summer Internship outcomes: effect on learner perspectives and professional development (2016—2023)

Perspective Gained by Learner Level
“Participation in the Stanford CSI program…(% agree = agree + strongly agree)
Total n = 173 n (%) High School Participants n = 133 n(%) College/ Post-High School n = 40 n(%) Unpaired T-test
Broadened my perspective about healthcare 142 (82%) 108 (81%) 34 (85%)  < 0.1
Contributed to an increased interest in a career in healthcare 136 (79%) 100 (75%) 36 (90%) 0.4
Contributed to an increased interest in a career in specialty medicine 118 (68%) 86 (65%) 32 (80%) 0.5
Contributed to an increased interest in a career in primary care 84 (49%) 64 (48%) 20 (50%) 0.7
Contributed to an increased interest in a career in research 79 (46%) 62 (47%) 17 (43%) 0.5
Clarified what a life/career in medicine would be like 137 (79%) 102 (77%) 35 (88%) 0.8
Gave me valuable clinical skills 124 (72%) 93 (70%) 31 (78%) 0.8
Reinforced my career choice 120 (69%) 88 (66%) 32 (80%) 0.4
Changed my career choice 25 (14%) 22 (17%) 3 (8.0%)  < 0.1
Improved my professional network 74 (43%) 54 (41%) 20 (50%) 0.6
Improved my resume 123 (71%) 93 (70%) 30 (75%) 0.5
Led directly to new opportunities 60 (35%) 40 (30%) 20 (50%)  < 0.1
Led to new friendships 70 (40%) 55 (41%) 15 (38%) 0.3
Was a good use of my time 138 (80%) 102 (77%) 36 (90%) 0.4
Was a good use of my Resources 134 (92%) 98 (90%) 36 (97%) 0.2