Fig. 9. Ultrafast ophthalmic AO provides more effective aberration correction and better clarity of cone mosaic in AO-OCT images acquired from a nystagmic eye.
The nystagmus caused the eye to jerk horizontally (along the fast scan axis, here displayed vertically). a Distribution of RMS wavefront error after aberration correction with conventional and ultrafast AO in the nystagmic eye. Error bars and their centers represent the standard error and mean of 15 videos. b−e Example frames in Supplementary Movie 5 where conventional AO failed to achieve adequate image quality. f−i Frames acquired by ultrafast AO with microsaccades occurred at similar locations as those with convention AO shown on top. No microsaccades in (e) and (i). Blue arrowheads denote the time points when the DM shape was updated. The AO-OCT volume acquisition rate was 6.7 Hz for a field of view of 1.3° H × 1° V. Because the AO loop rate for conventional AO was only slightly higher (10 Hz), the blue arrowhead position moves from frame to frame. Scale bars = 50 µm and apply to (b−i).