Fig. 2. Direct detection of the charge quadrupolar, structural and magnetic order parameters in BMRO.
a REXS experimental setup in the scattering channel. The ψ0 (ψ90) orientation corresponds to the configuration where the crystal c axis points perpendicular (within) the vertical scattering plane. b, c Energy dependence of the Q = (5, 5, 0) Bragg reflection with the ψ0 and ψ90 crystal orientations, at various temperatures. d Azimuthal dependence of the (5, 5, 0) reflection at Eq and at 20 K demonstrates the θ = x2−y2 symmetry of the antiferroic quadrupolar order. The dashed (dotted) lines depict the calculated azimuthal dependence of the quadrupoles with xy,z2 (xz,yz) symmetry. e Integrated intensity of the (5, 5, 0) peak at the magnetic resonance Em and ψ0 azimuth indicates the onset of the antiferroic order of Re magnetic dipoles below 18 K. f, g Integrated intensity of the (5, 5, 0) and (5, 3, 0) peaks measured at Eq and off-resonance, respectively, to detect the antiferroic and orders. h The (10, 0, 0) peak measured at Eq resonance which is indicative of the ferroic order. i The γ splitting of the (10,0,0) reflection to reflect the ordering of . The error bars correspond to the standard deviation.