Table 1.
Study, year | Projects or team | Classifier | Feature | Class (dataset) | Accuracy results percentages |
Shroff et al [18], 2008 |
Chen et al [19], 2009 |
Taichi and Keiji [21], 2009 |
Hoashi et al [52], 2010 |
Yang et al [20], 2010 |
Zhu et al [31], 2010 |
Kong and Tan [53], 2011 |
Bosch et al [22], 2011 |
Matsuda et al [36], 2012 |
Anthimopoulos et al [23], 2014 |
He et al [54], 2014 |
Pouladzadeh et al [32], 2014 | —t |
Kawano and Yanai [35], 2014 |
— |
Yanai and Kawano [39], 2015 |
— |
Christodoulidis et al [40], 2015 |
— |
Myers et al [27], 2015 |
— |
Liu et al [41], 2016 | — |
— |
Singla et al [42], 2016 | — |
— |
Hassannejad et al [43], 2016 | — |
— |
Ciocca et al [44], 2017 | — |
— |
Mezgec and Koroušić Seljak [45], 2017 | — |
— |
Pandey et al [55], 2017 | — |
— |
Martinel et al [56], 2018 | — |
— |
Jiang et al [57], 2020 | — |
— |
Lu et al [58], 2020 |
— |
Wu et al [59], 2021 | — |
— |
aNote that convolutional neural network–based classifiers do not require the number of features to be shown as they extract features autonomously.
bPFID: Pittsburgh Fast-Food Image Dataset.
cSVM: support vector machine.
dBoSIFT: bag-of-scale-invariant feature transform.
eUEC: University of Electro-Communications.
fMKL: multiple kernel learning. This is a machine-learning technique that combines multiple kernels or similarity functions, to improve the performance and flexibility of kernel-based models such as support vector machines.
gSIFT: scale-invariant feature transform.
hBoF: bag-of-features.
iGabor is a texture feature extraction invented by Dennis Gabor.
jHOG: histogram of orientated gradients—a feature descriptor based on color.
kTADA: Technology Assisted Dietary Assessment.
lTamura is a 6-texture feature extraction invented by Hideyuki Tamura.
mHaar wavelet is a mathematical analysis for wavelet sequence named after Alfréd Haar.
nSteerable filter is an image filter introduced by Freeman and Adelson.
oDAISY is a local image descriptor introduced by E Tola et al [60], but they did not describe a true acronym of DAISY.
pHSV is the name of a red-green-blue color model based on hue, saturation, and value.
qDCD: dominant color descriptor.
rMDSIFT: multiscale dense scale-invariant feature transform.
sSCD: scalable color descriptor.
tNot available.
uCNN: convolutional neural network.
vInception is an object detection model that won the ImageNet Challenge in 2014, recognized for its use of a novel architecture that efficiently leverages computing resources inside the network.
wVGG: visual geometry group—an object detection model named after a research group from the University of Oxford.
xAlexNet is an object detection model that won the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (also known as the ImageNet challenge) in 2012; it is named after its inventors, Alex Krizhevsky.
yWISeR: wide-slice residual.
zMSMVFA: multi-scale multi-view feature aggregation.
aaMADiMA: Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management.