Histopathologic characteristics of the patient cohort
Patient 1 | Patient 2 | Patient 3 | Patient 4 | Patient 5 | |
Liver histology | Microvesicular steatosis, centro-lobular necrosis, portal fields, and bile ducts regular, no signs of cholestasis, no signs of inflammation | NA | Micronodular cirrhosis, canalicluar and hepatocellular cholestasis, lack of steatosis | Severe parenchymal damage, bridging collapse, and severe cholestasis. Steatosis maximal in regenerative nodules, few multinucleate giant cells | Low hepatic damage, low bilirubinostasis, low chronic cholestasis signs, signs of clearance reaction and regeneration, portal/septal fibrosis, signs of ER activation, lack of steatosis. |
Abbreviations: ER, endoplasmic reticulum; NA, not available.