Alessi 1999 |
Physical activity and environmental intervention to improve sleep and agitation. |
Ashaye 2003 |
Assessment of CANE measurement scale. No behavioural outcomes. |
Assal 2004 |
Pharmacological intervention only. |
Ayalon 2006 |
This paper is a systematic review. |
Ayalon 2009 |
Not an RCT, the paper reports a case series using problem solving for the management of depression and agitation in long term care. |
Baillon 2002 |
Review paper of multi‐sensory therapy in psychiatric care. |
Baillon 2004 |
Snoezelen or Reminiscence therapy intervention. |
Baillon 2005 |
Snoezelen or Reminiscence intervention |
Baker 2001 |
Snoezelen & Activity intervention |
Baker 2003 |
Snoezelen intervention |
Baker 2006 |
Case series. |
Baldelli 2007 |
Occupational Therapy intervention |
Ballard 2009 |
Period of BPST not randomised, only pharmacotherapy part of trial randomised (information supplied by Author) |
Beauchamp 2005 |
Worksite based Internet multi‐media program. No behavioural component, predominantly focused on carer stress and coping |
Belle 2006 |
Enhancing Quality of life through proving education and skills |
Bellelli 2004 |
This paper reports on the maintenance effects of the CRONOS project. |
Bird 2007 |
Not an RCT, naturalistic controlled trial with repeated measures |
Buchanan 2002 |
Case Series |
Burgener 1998 |
Instructional intervention for Caregivers on bathing and specific activities. |
Burgio 2001 |
Communication improvement intervention using memory books, no behavioural analysis |
Burns 2003 |
This paper reports the effects of the Reach study 2 year outcomes. No behavioural outcomes. |
Callahan 2006 |
Behavioural intervention, however from intervention description there is no evidence of functional analysis. |
Cohen‐Mansfield 2006 |
Identity specific intervention regarding retention of self identity and the impact of role based treatment |
Cohen‐Mansfield 2007 |
This was not a fully randomised controlled trial, due to only some of the care homes being randomly assigned |
Conti 2008 |
Recreational activities intervention |
Coyne 1997 |
Therapies were standardised not individually tailored, intervention involved the use of verbal prompts for eating behaviour |
Davison 2007 |
Not an RCT, participants were referred into the study |
Deudon 2009 |
Education and coaching intervention to provide ideas of interventions to reduce and avoid BPSD but did not involve analysis of behaviour |
Dias 2008 |
Support & education Intervention to predominantly reduce caregiver burden |
Dwyer‐Moore 2007 |
Case Series |
Elliot 2010 |
Psycho‐education and caregiver health intervention |
Farran 2007 |
Reports on a subgroup only from previous randomised controlled trial, full RUSH trial is included in the review |
Feeney 2003 |
Interactive voice response intervention.Behavioural management advice provided over the phone. |
Finnema 2005 |
Emotion oriented care intervention training staff to use an emotion oriented approach |
Gallagher‐Thompson 2008 |
Cognitive behavioural intervention to reduce depression in family caregivers |
Garilova 2009 |
Education only intervention involving two day training on problem behaviours. |
Gerritsen 2005 |
Cross sectional study in care homes to investigate the relationship between apathy and quality of life. |
Gitlin 2001 |
Home Environmental intervention proving occupational therapy to improve the environment. |
Gitlin 2005 |
Paper reports the maintenance effects of included study Gitlin 2003, however the results have not been reported in the same format and therefore this data could not be included in the review. |
Gitlin 2007 |
This paper reports on the design and method of projectACT3, however the results for this study are not yet published. |
Gitlin 2008 |
Physical activity intervention, not functional analysis |
Graff 2006 |
Occupational therapy based intervention |
Graff 2007 |
Occupational therapy based intervention. |
Graff 2008 |
Occupational therapy based intervention. |
Grant 2007 |
Initial elucidation of unmet need or cause not by trained professional as this study is distance based. All contact with a trained professional is via the telephone |
Heard 1999 |
Case Series |
Hepburn 2001 |
Psychodeuctional and coaching group intervention, providing role training to help caregivers assume a more clinical belief set about care giving |
Hepburn 2003 |
Reports only on the development and testing of the Savvy Caregiver Program. |
Hepburn 2005 |
Psychoeducational intervention to deal with caregiver distress using activity, OT and music |
Herbert 2003 |
Psycho‐educational group program for caregivers to look at caregiver appraisal of stress and problem solving |
Hinchliffe 1995 |
Primary outcome data not reported in continuous format (reported as dichotomous) therefore it could not be included in the meta‐analysis. |
Hochhalter 2007 |
Observational study. |
Hoeffer 2006 |
No behavioural outcome e.g. NPI or CMAI. Behaviour rated through 'hassle' scale only. Specific bathing intervention. |
Hoehn‐Anderson 1992 |
Psychosocial intervention to involve families in care to evoke positive responses from residents when provided with items of interest |
Javadpour 2009 |
Psychoeducational intervention. Randomisation unclear |
Kolanowski 2001 |
Therapeutic recreational activities intervention. The paper is a review with a report of a small pilot crossover experimental design |
Kolanowski 2005 |
Recreational Activities intervention, not functional analysis. |
Kolanowski 2006 |
Specific agitation study, not an RCT, cross sectional design with repeated measures |
Koltai 2001 |
Memory and coping program specifically for improving cognition not behaviour. |
Konnert 2009 |
Cognitive behavioural therapy intervention |
Kovach 1996 |
Therapeutic activities intervention, to promote comfort, QOL and dignity. |
Kovach 2006 |
Serial Trial Intervention, needs assessed but not in terms of what functions behaviours served or what where the antecedents and causes. |
Kuiper 2009 |
Dementia care mapping intervention |
Kurz 2003 |
Pharmacological intervention. |
Lam 2010 |
Activities based intervention. |
Lavertsky 2006 |
Review paper. |
Lawton 1998 |
Stimulation intervention |
Litchenburg 2005 |
Pleasant events intervention, brainstorming and activity programming |
Lovheim 2006 |
Cross sectional study to discover factors associated with the use of anti‐psychotics |
Low 2004 |
Cross sectional study to investigate the relationship between self destructive behaviours and nursing home environments |
Lucero 2002 |
Review/discussion paper of exit seeking wandering behaviour intervention strategies. |
Magai 2002 |
Increasing sensitivity to non verbal signals to improve psychological well‐being of caregiver. |
Marriot 2000 |
Cognitive behavioural therapy intervention, involving role play and problem solving. |
Martin 2007 |
Activity based intervention to improve sleep/wake patterns. |
Mayer 1991 |
Specific observational wandering intervention to assess the use of mirror. |
McCallion 1999 |
Intervention to improve communication between carer and resident by observing interactions. |
McCurry 1998 |
Specific Sleep intervention, did analyse behaviour however excluded due to targeting only night time behaviour. |
McCurry 2005 |
Sleep Education intervention to deal with nighttime insomnia only. |
McGilton 2003 |
Way‐finding intervention |
Melis 2008 |
No behavioural outcomes. |
Mittleman 2004 |
Support and education intervention where caregivers dictated sessions. |
Mittleman 2006 |
Counselling and support intervention with management of behaviours however from the description of the intervention it was not apparent functional analysis was utilised. |
Moniz‐Cook 2001 |
Case Series |
Moniz‐Cook 2003 |
Case Series, not a randomised controlled trial |
Montgomery 2004 |
Systematic review of pharmacological therapies for sleep problems in later life |
Narayan 2000 |
Reports 6 month data from an NIH‐funded study, decision making educational intervention. |
Onder 2005 |
Reality orientation intervention |
Opie 1999 |
Systematic Literature Review paper looking at the efficacy of psychosocial approaches |
Opie 2002 |
Randomised controlled trial lasted only 3 days where subjects acted as own controls (early group controls for late group). |
Ostwald 1999 |
Psychoeducational intervention only. |
Ouslander 2006 |
Sleep improvement intervention involving increasing daytime physical activity, bright light exposure and social interactions |
Palese 2009 |
Observational study. |
Politis 2004 |
Kit based activity intervention to reduce apathy and improve quality of life. |
Poon 2005 |
Cognitive intervention to test the efficacy of telemedicine vs face to face treatment |
Qazi 2003 |
Case series regarding managing anxiety in people with dementia. |
Rasin 2007 |
Qualitative study. |
Reeve 1985 |
Reality orientation. Not a randomised controlled trial. |
Reuben 2003 |
Discussion paper. |
Richards 2005 |
Social Activity Intervention. |
Robinson 1994 |
Only secondary outcomes reported. No extractable data for Primary outcomes. |
Robinson 2007 |
Psychoeducational and communication facilitation intervention. |
Rolland 2007 |
Physical Activity intervention to improve ADL's & physical performance |
Rosendahl 2006 |
High intensity Functional exercise program to improve gait. |
Scholzel‐Dorenbos 2010 |
Review paper. |
Schrijnemaekers 2002 |
Emotion‐oriented care intervention providing education on dementia |
Schulz 2003 |
Overview of REACH project, site specific outcomes and future directions. |
Sink 2006 |
Cross sectional study on caregiver characteristics and which are associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms |
Sival 1997 |
Activities intervention, case study of three participants with dementia. |
Sloane 2004 |
Intervention specifically tailored to behaviours experienced during showering/bathing |
Sung 2006 |
Group music with movement intervention |
Teri 1994 |
Review paper |
Teri 1998 |
Qualitative study reporting cases from a previous randomised controlled trial. |
Thal 2000 |
Pharmacological intervention. |
Thal 2003 |
Pharmacological intervention. |
Tibaldi 2004 |
Home hospital intervention. Reviewers could not determine a sufficient dosage of Functional Analysis to include this paper |
Torta 2004 |
Review paper |
Tung 2005 |
Physical activity intervention |
Van de Winckel 2004 |
Music based exercise intervention. |
Van Weert 2005a |
Snoezelen Intervention |
Van Weert 2005b |
Snoezelen Intervention |
Vespa 2002 |
Role of social relationships in psychosocial and psycho‐cognitive behaviour |
Visser 2008 |
No extractable data as only sub scale means reported. Author contacted‐ data unavailable |
Williams 1987 |
Reality orientation and environmental intervention |
Zanetti 1998 |
Psychoeducational intervention |