Figure 3. Signatures of selection associated with the gains and losses of eusociality in halictids.
(A) Orthologs were tested for evidence that dN/dS >1 at a proportion of sites on focal branches (Gains 1 and 2 denoted with blue squares 1-2; abSREL133 tests in HyPhy, FDR<0.05) and for evidence of relaxed selection (gray square 3, yellow circles; HyPhy RELAX54, FDR<0.1). (B) Nine loci overlapped both origins (enrichment ratio=3.97, Fisher’s exact p=0.004). Four orthologs overlapped all 3 tests (Multi-set Exact Test57; fold-enrichment=8.85, p=0.001). Socially polymorphic species were not included as focal branches in either test.