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. 2024 Apr 16;229(9):2149–2166. doi: 10.1007/s00429-024-02795-3

Table 3.

Coactivation results for the left and right thalami

Cluster Anatomical Label
(Nearest Gray Matter within 5 mm)
BA MNI Coordinates ALE Z Cluster Size (mm3)
x y z
L thalamus
1 L Insula 13 -34 22 0 0.113 10.04 39,160
L IFG 9 -44 10 28 0.092 8.46
L IFG 9 -50 10 20 0.086 8.02
L IFG 44 -52 16 12 0.081 7.60
L MFG 46 -48 26 16 0.080 7.55
L Precentral gyrus 6 -46 -2 44 0.073 6.96
L Precentral gyrus 6 -50 -10 34 0.051 5.01
L Precentral gyrus 6 -54 -6 24 0.045 4.37
L Postcentral gyrus 43 -58 -16 22 0.035 3.33
2 L Medial dorsal nucleus (Thalamus) -8 -16 6 0.183 14.83 29,008
R Medial dorsal nucleus (Thalamus) 10 -18 6 0.073 6.96
R Ventral lateral nucleus (Thalamus) 14 -8 10 0.064 6.15
R Thalamus 22 -28 0 0.048 4.69
R Lateral globus pallidus 18 0 2 0.040 3.86
3 L Fusiform gyrus 37 -42 -60 -18 0.077 7.29 14,728
L MTG 22 -54 -42 6 0.065 6.25
L STG 41 -58 -16 6 0.053 5.14
L IOG 19 -38 -80 -6 0.043 4.17
L MTG 20 -54 -46 -12 0.037 3.52
4 L FGmed 32 -2 14 46 0.116 10.25 14,576
5 R Insula 13 36 26 -8 0.087 8.09 9488
R Claustrum 36 20 -2 0.077 7.27
R IFG 50 18 -4 0.055 5.33
6 L SPL 7 -26 -62 48 0.062 5.96 3896
7 R STG 22 54 -32 4 0.068 6.48 3624
8 R Culmen (Cerebellum, anterior lobe) 36 -66 -26 0.063 6.05 2464
R Culmen (Cerebellum, anterior lobe) 34 -58 -26 0.050 4.85
R Culmen (Cerebellum, anterior lobe) 26 -54 -22 0.039 3.74
9 R STG 22 58 -10 -2 0.053 5.18 2000
R Postcentral gyrus 43 62 -6 12 0.039 3.74
10 R IFG 9 48 10 28 0.062 6.01 1936
11 R Precentral gyrus 4 54 -8 38 0.050 4.87 1352
R thalamus
1 L Thalamus -12 -18 6 0.105 10.32 35,008
R Medial dorsal nucleus (Thalamus) 12 -18 4 0.105 10.31
R Claustrum 34 22 -4 0.073 7.69
R Thalamus 22 -28 0 0.062 6.70
R Putamen 22 4 2 0.047 5.24
L Thalamus -6 -26 -4 0.045 5.08
R Insula 13 40 20 8 0.044 4.93
L Thalamus -20 -30 -2 0.040 4.54
R Insula 13 50 14 -4 0.035 3.96
R Parahippocampal gyrus 30 18 -38 8 0.029 3.32
2 L Claustrum -32 20 -2 0.104 10.27 25,736
L IFG 9 -42 10 26 0.069 7.36
L IFG 47 -46 20 -2 0.059 6.38
L MFG 46 -44 26 22 0.053 5.83
L Precentral gyrus 4 -46 -4 46 0.051 5.66
L Precentral gyrus 6 -50 2 36 0.050 5.60
L IFG 9 -52 12 28 0.048 5.39
L STG 41 -60 -20 6 0.045 5.08
L Insula 13 -50 10 -2 0.044 4.94
L MTG -58 -32 2 0.039 4.38
L STG 22 -56 -8 -2 0.033 3.77
L IFG 44 -54 18 12 0.033 3.76
L Precentral gyrus 6 -56 -4 24 0.032 3.65
L TTG 42 -60 -10 14 0.032 3.60
3 L FGmed 6 -2 10 50 0.079 8.20 10,376
L Cingulate gyrus 32 0 20 38 0.070 7.44
4 L Fusiform gyrus 37 -42 -60 -18 0.064 6.91 4800
5 R STG 22 58 -28 4 0.052 5.77 3608
R STG 22 60 -10 2 0.033 3.72
6 L SPL 7 -26 -62 48 0.046 5.18 2792
L SPL 7 -30 -52 48 0.043 4.81
7 R Precentral gyrus 4 54 -8 38 0.043 4.85 1120
R Precentral gyrus 6 48 2 42 0.031 3.50
8 R Declive (Cerebellum, posterior lobe) 12 -66 -14 0.039 4.41 1016

Note: MNI Coordinates correspond to cluster peaks, and anatomical labels indicate gray matter nearest to the cluster peaks. Please refer to the online data repository for cluster analyses with full reports of structures included in each cluster. L: Left, R: Right, FGmed: Medial frontal gyrus, IFG: Inferior frontal gyrus, IOG: Inferior Occipital Gyrus, MFG: Middle frontal gyrus, MTG: Middle temporal gyrus, SPL: Superior parietal lobule, STG: Superior temporal gyrus, TTG: Transverse temporal gyrus