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. 2024 Dec 2;14:29921. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-80946-6

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Metabolic activities of CYP3A4 in gut MPS/Fluid3D-X. Metabolism of midazolam in the gut MPS/Fluid3D-X. Midazolam was administered to apical side of gut MPS/Fluid3D-X in the presence (closed circles) or absence (open circles) of inhibitors, and concentration of its metabolite, 1-hydroxymidazolam was monitored in apical (a) or basal side (b). The total amount of 1-hydroxymidazolam formed by gut MPS/Fluid3D-X after dosing the apical side with midazolam is shown in Fig. 4c. ##p < 0.01; significant difference between the presence and absence of inhibitors. Each bar and error bar represent the mean value and SD, respectively (inhibitor(-): n = 4, inhibitor (+): n = 3).