Table 1.
Phase | Description of process |
1. Review | Review the literature using standard systematic review processes, in line with approved evidence synthesis methodologies (e.g., Cochrane) and compile a list of eligible studies. |
2. Exclude | Exclude any studies that have been retracted or listed on the Retraction Watch Database, and note any studies that have an ‘Expression of Concern’ or are ‘Under Investigation’ by journal editors, publishers or peers (e.g., on Pubpeer). |
3. Assess | Assess the integrity of the remaining studies using a well-developed tool (e.g., RIA29 or TRACT24) and allocate each study an initial integrity risk rating of low, moderate or high risk for integrity concerns. |
4. Discuss | Discuss results of the integrity assessment with members of the integrity committee and place votes to determine final integrity risk rating allocations for each study. |
5. Establish contact | Establish contact with authors of any studies ranked as moderate or high risk for integrity concerns to source the required information/clarification. Low risk studies do not require author contact and are included in the evidence synthesis. |
6. Re-assess | Using the RIGID algorithm, re-assess studies for inclusion following a suitable timeline. Studies are categorized as ‘Included’ where authors have provided a satisfactory response, ‘Awaiting Classification’ where authors have responded with an intention to supply the requested information within a specified time; or ‘Not Included’ where authors have not responded to contact attempt(s).a |
RIA, Research Integrity Assessment; RIGID, Research Integrity in Guidelines and evIDence synthesis; TRACT, Trustworthiness in RAndomised Controlled Trials.
All integrity domains/judgements, votes, decisions and final rankings should be clearly reported in subsequent publications/supplemental documents of the evidence synthesis or guideline.