(A) Heat graphic of volatile components of rapeseed SFROs treated with different commercial peptides. The darker the red color, the higher the content of the corresponding volatile compound. (B) Stack charts of 13 SFROs volatile compounds. R-SFRO;1 %,R-SFRO;2 %,R-SFRO;3 %,S-SFRO;1 %,S-SFRO;2 %,S-SFRO;3 %,C-SFRO;1 %,C-SFRO;2 %,C-SFRO;3 %, P-SFRO;1 %, P-SFRO;2 %, P-SFRO;3 %, and Control represented the rapeseed peptide content in seeds treated by 1 % (rapeseed/1 %), rapeseed peptide content in seeds treated by 2 % (rapeseed/2 %), rapeseed peptide content in seeds treated by 3 % (rapeseed/3 %), seeds treated with 1 % soybean peptide content (soybean/1 %), seeds treated with 2 % soybean peptide content (soybean/2 %), seeds treated with 3 % soybean peptide content (soybean/3 %), seeds treated with 1 % corn peptide content (corn/1 %), seeds treated with 2 % corn peptide content (corn/1 %) Oil produced from seeds treated with 3 % corn peptide content (corn/3 %), seeds treated with 1 % peanut peptide content (peanut/1 %), seeds treated with 2 % peanut peptide content (peanut/2 %),seeds treated with 3 % peanut peptide content (peanut/3 %) and no commercial protein peptides were added, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)