Evaluation of berzosertib efficacy in combination with SG in murine models of PARPi-resistant HGSOC
(A) Schematic of treatment strategy for mice treated with SG or berzosertib (ATRi) or a combination of both over a period of 4 weeks as described in STAR Methods. Each treatment group represents 10 mice (biological replicates) on day 0. Groups were eliminated if mice number dropped below three due to death or when euthanasia criteria was reached.
(B and C) Representative images of mice injected with PEO1-Luc (B) or PEO1-olaR-luc (C), imaged for luciferase activity are shown from day 0 to day 77. Line plots to the right represent % change in disease burden against time on X axis (days 0–77) measured at weekly intervals (n = 8–10 mice per group). Statistical significance was determined using Mann-Whitney U-test (unpaired) to generate p-values between relevant groups and shown on the right of the plots. Error bars are not shown for better visualization of curves. ∗∗p < 0.01, ns, not significant.
(D) Line plots showing % change in mice weight from day 0 recorded weekly for PEO1-Luc and for PEO1-olaR-Luc (n = 8–10 mice per group).