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. 2024 Nov 1;57:111094. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.111094

Table 1.

Included samples with species names and taxonomic affiliation according to Jafari et al. (2020), country of origin, collection information, sample ID, input material type and SRA accession ID for raw sequencing read data.

Genus, subgenus, section, species Locality Additional collection Info Sample ID Input material SRA Accession
Agrostemma L.
Agrostemma githago L. Hisingen, Sweden P451_124 RNAlater SAMN41876039
Atocion Adans.
Atocion armeria (L.) Raf. Vila Cha, Portugal Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden, from seeds collected in the field. P451_102 Frozen SAMN41876039
Atocion rupestre (L.) Oxelman Bohuslän, Hallinden, Sweden P451_121 Fresh SAMN41876041
Eudianthe (Rchb.) Rchb.
Eudianthe laeta Rchb. ex Willk. Denmark Cultivated in the Copenhagen Botanical Garden P451_128 Frozen SAMN41876042
Heliosperma (Rchb.) Rchb.
Heliosperma macranthum Pančić Komovi, Montenegro Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden, from seeds collected in the field. P451_115 Fresh SAMN41876043
Petrocoptis A. Braun ex Endl.
Petrocoptis crassifolia Rouy Burrow - Central Pyrenees, Spain Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_126 Frozen SAMN41876044
Viscaria Bernh.
Viscaria vulgaris Bernh. Bohuslän, Sotenäs, Sweden P1844_106 Fresh SAMN41876045
Silene L.
Incertae sedis
S. sect. Atocion Otth.
Silene assyriaca Hausskn. & Bornm. ex Lazkov Akarsu Village, Turkey Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_103 Fresh SAMN41876046
Silene atocioides Boiss. Antalya-Altinyaka, Turkey Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_104 Fresh SAMN41876047
Silene fraudatrix Meikle Lefkosa, Alevkayasi, Halevga, Cyprus Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_113 Fresh SAMN41876048
Subgenus Lychnis
S. sect Coccyganthe
Silene flos-cuculi L. Bohuslän, Sotenäs, Sweden P451_112 Fresh SAMN41876049
SubgenusBehenantha(Otth) Torr. & A. Gray
S. sect. Behenantha Otth.
Silene behen L. Mersin, Turkey Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_127 Frozen SAMN41876050
S. sect. Conoimorpha Otth. in Candolle
Silene conoidea L. Vazrab river, Lalon, Tehran, Iran Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P1844_105 Fresh SAMN41876051
Silene conoidea L. Vazrab river, Lalon, Tehran, Iran Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_107F Fresh SAMN41876052
S. sect. Cryptoneurae Aydin & Oxelman
Silene ertekinii Aydin & Oxelman Antalya to Altinyaka, Turkey Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_109 Fresh SAMN41876053
Silene ertekinii Aydin & Oxelman Antalya to Altinyaka, Turkey Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_110 Fresh SAMN41876054
S. sect. Dichotomae (Rohrb.) Chowdhuri
Silene dichotoma Ehrh. Sutlegen, Turkey Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_135 Frozen SAMN41876055
S. sect. Elisanthe (Fenzl ex Endl.) Ledeb.
Silene noctiflora L. Bohuslän, Hovenäset, Stavsäng, Sweden P451_117 Fresh SAMN41876056
S. sect. Sedoides Oxelman & Greuter
Silene sedoides Poir. Plimiri, Rodos, Greece. Cultivated in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_122 Fresh SAMN41876057
S. sect. Odontopetalae Chowdhuri
Silene odontopetala Fenzl Tuchal mountain, Tehran, Iran Cultivated from seeds collected in the field P451_119 Fresh SAMN41876058
S. sect. Physolychnis (Benth.) Bocquet in Candollea
Silene ajanensis (Regel & Tiling) Vorosch Batarejanaja, Russia BOX5120 RNAlater SAMN41876059
Silene involucrata (Cham. & Schltdl.) Bocquet subsp. furcata (Raf.) V.V.Petrovsky & Elven Greenland BOX4906 Frozen SAMN41876060
Silene involucrata (Cham. & Schltdl.) Bocquet subsp. furcata (Raf.) V.V.Petrovsky & Elven Spitsbergen. Adventdalen, Endalen, Norway BOX4907 Frozen SAMN41876061
Silene involucrata (Cham. & Schltdl.) Bocquet subsp. tenella (Tolmatchew) Bocquet Abisko, Sweden BOX4908 Frozen SAMN41876062
Silene involucrata (Cham. & Schltdl.) Bocquet “Ary-Mas” nature reserve, Severo-Sibirskaya Nizmennost, Russia Cultivated from seeds BOX4909 RNAlater SAMN41876063
Silene involucrata (Cham. & Schltdl.) Bocquet subsp. involucrata “Ary-Mas” nature reserve, Severo-Sibirskaya Nizmennost, Russia Cultivated from seeds BOX5115 RNAlater SAMN41876064
Silene linneana Voroschilov Kil'demtsy village,Sakha republic, Yakutsk, Russia BOX4911 Frozen SAMN41876065
Silene sachalinensis F. Schmidt ? Cultivated from seeds labelled S. araratica from Zdeneks garden BOX5117 RNAlater SAMN41876066
Silene soczaviana Schischk. Mulgrave hills, Canada BOX4885 Frozen SAMN41876067
S. sect. Arenosae Eggens, F.Jafari & Oxelman
Silene exsudans Boiss. & Heldr. Kizilot, Antalya Turkey Cultivated in Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_129 Frozen SAMN41876068
S. sect. Auriculatae (Boiss.) Schischk. in Komarov
Silene commelinifolia Boiss. Tuchal Mountain, Tehran, Iran Cultivated from seeds collected in the field P451_106 Fresh SAMN41876069
Silene eriocalycina Boiss. Lahderaz, Sabz kouh, Morchegen, Gandoman, Iran Cultivated in Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_108F Fresh SAMN41876070
S. sect. Muscipula (Tzvelev) Oxelman, F.Jafari & Gholipour
Silene muscipula L. Denmark Cultivated in Copenhagen Botanical Garden P451_136 Frozen SAMN41876071
S. sect. Sclerocalycinae (Chowdhuri) F.Jafari, Oxelman & Rabeler
Silene laxa Boiss. & Kotschy Firouzkouh, Tehran, Iran Cultivated in Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seed collected in the field P451_114 Fresh SAMN41876072
Silene vittata Stapf Pass between Isamlar and Ikizçe, Turkey Cultivated in Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_123 Fresh SAMN41876073
S. sect. Silene
Silene ciliata Pourr. Bengt Oxelman 2631 (GB), Origin unknown. Cultivated in Uppsala Botanical Garden from seeds obtained from Paris. P451_101 Fresh SAMN41876074
Silene colorata Poir. Gaziantep, Turkey Cultivated in Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seed collected in the field P451_105 Unknown SAMN41876075
S. sect. Siphonomorpha Otth.
Silene acaulis (L.) L. Mt Torkilstöten, Sweden Cultivated at Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_125 Frozen SAMN41876076
Silene nutans L. Bohuslän, Hovenäset, Stavsäng, Sweden P451_118 Fresh SAMN41876077
S. sect. Rigidulae (Boiss.) Schischk. in Komarov
Silene echinospermoides Hub.-Mor. North of Marmaris, Turkey Cultivated at Gothenburg Botanical Garden from seeds collected in the field P451_111 Frozen SAMN41876078