A, Metabolite maps of tNAA, Cr, total choline (tCho), Glx (glutamate + glutamine), and myo-inositol (mI) from fully sampled REPSI (top row) and EPSI (bottom row) reconstructions of in vivo brain data from a healthy 24-year-old healthy female volunteer. B, Metabolite maps of tNAA, Cr, tCho, Glx, and mI from CS reconstructions of retrospectively undersampled (AF = 2.5) REPSI (top row) and EPSI (bottom row) data. Note that the REPSI reconstructions at AF = 2.5 show greater similarity to the fully sampled metabolite maps, compared with the EPSI reconstructions. The nRMSEs of the metabolite maps are also shown. All maps are interpolated by a factor of two