Figure 1.
G3PP expression and histomorphological examination of the testis, epididymis, and sperm of WT mice. A. Western blot analysis of G3PP expression in various tissues of 3-month-old wild-type (WT) mice. G3PP expression was normalized to β-actin and GAPDH (n = 4); VAT, visceral adipose tissue; BAT, brown adipose tissue. B. Immunohistochemical staining of G3PP in the testis of WT mice across different stages of spermatogenesis. In the stage I, white arrows show G3PP-negative spermatocytes; red arrows indicate round spermatids; and orange arrows show Sertoli cells. In stages II-III green arrows show spermatogonia; black arrows point elongating spermatids; and Leydig cells indicated with “L". In stages VI-VII yellow arrows indicate spermatids that are G3PP-positive; and black arrows indicate elongating spermatids nearing the point of spermiation (which occurs at stage VIII), where the G3PP expression appears maximal. Scale bar = 20 μm for all panels. C. IHC staining of G3PP in the epididymis of WT mice. (1,2), Proximal caput (head) (left) and corpus (body) (right) regions viewed at both low (1) and high (2) magnification. G3PP expression specifically in the corpus is higher and mostly located in the luminal portion of the columnar cells and stereocilia. A small cluster of efferent ductules is also visible and indicated by the bracket in panel (1). (3), View of the interface between the efferent ductules (lower part of the panel) and the caput of the epididymis (upper part) taken at a higher magnification. The G3PP signal is relatively weak in the cilia of the efferent ductules, cytoplasm, and the stereocilia of principal cells of the epididymis. (4), View of the corpus and proximal cauda (tail) regions taken at low magnification, showing head-to-tail orientation from left-to-right. A progressive decrease in G3PP expression occurs from the corpus to the cauda, which is attributed to both the shortening and lower levels of G3PP expression in the stereocilia. (5), Higher magnification of interface between the corpus (left part) and cauda (right part) of the epididymis. (6), Vas deferens. Scale bars vary as follows: 500 μm for panels 1 and 4; 50 μm for 2 and 3; and 100 μm for 5 and 6. (For interpretation of the references to color/colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)