a–d, Nucleation rates at 1.7 nm, J1.7, versus IP0N without NOx present (a), IP0N with NOx (b), HIOx + H2SO4 with and without NOx (c) and the product (HIOx + H2SO4) × IP0N with and without NOx (d). Measurements without NOx are indicated by diamonds (without acids) and circles (with acids). Measurements with NOx are indicated by triangles (without acids) and squares (with acids). Hollow symbols indicate −30 °C and solid symbols indicate −50 °C. In c, nucleation rates measured at contaminant acid concentrations are assigned the acid limit of detection (around 2 × 104 cm−3). The solid lines in c show the nucleation rates expected for H2SO4 with 4 pptv NH3 at −30 °C (red) and −50 °C (blue), both at 60% RH (ref. 44). The dashed and solid lines in d represent fits to the equation 10a×log10(x)+b, in which, for the dashed line, a = 1.241 and b = −15.065, and for the solid line, a = 1.505 and b = −19.948. Panels a–c show that both IP0N and total acid (HIOx + H2SO4) contribute to the nucleation rate. Panel d indicates that it is the product of IP0N and total acid (that is, the dimer formation rate) that best describes the nucleation rate, J1.7, as the data points cluster into two groups primarily characterized by temperature alone. IP1-2N also contribute to particle nucleation but they are less effective than IP0N (Extended Data Fig. 5). The experimental conditions are: isoprene = 0.04–1.50 ppbv (0.1–4.2 × 1010 cm−3), O3 = 1–590 ppbv (3.7 × 1010 to 1.8 × 1013 cm−3), I2 = 0–7.5 × 107 cm−3, SO2 = 0–4.6 × 109 cm−3, OH = 0.11–6.90 × 107 cm−3, HO2 = 0.6–17.0 × 108 cm−3, HO2/OH ratio = 11–118, NO = 0–0.22 ppbv, NO2 = 0–0.77 ppbv, RH = 29–70% and temperature = −30 °C and −50 °C. The error bars represent the standard deviation of the measurement at steady state. All measurements are made under galactic cosmic ray conditions (natural ionization amounts).