a, Expression of the indicated pro- and anti- apoptotic genes in FACS-sorted SA + R CMPs and GMPs measured by bulk RNA-Seq. Mean and SD from n = 3 independent experiments are shown. ns: not significant (two-tailed unpaired t-test). b, UMAP representation of integrated single-cell transcriptome data from FACS-sorted SA + R CMPs (left) and GMPs (right) from Fig. 5a,b. c, Expression of the indicated pro- and anti- apoptotic genes in the different clusters. d, Flow cytometry analysis of SA + R CB cells from the experiment shown in Fig. 5a on day 6, showing that the vast majority of ΔLNGFR-NRASG12D+ cells also express the other two transgenes (GFP-ASXL1del1900-1922 and mCherry-SRSF2P95L). e, Volcano plot showing differentially expressed genes between NRASG12D+ and WT cells of the GMP cluster from Fig. 5b,d. Significantly upregulated and downregulated genes (Wilcoxon test) are shown in red and blue, respectively. Granulocytic (MPO, AZU1, ELANE) and monocytic (S100A8, S100A9, S100A12, CD52, CCL2) lineage genes, downregulated and upregulated, respectively, are highlighted. Downregulated genes encoding ribosomal proteins are shown in green. f, Top 20 most enriched HALLMARK pathways in NRASG12D+ vs WT cells belonging to the GMP cluster from Fig. 5b,d. NES: normalized enrichment score. g, Viability of CD34+ LSCs from the indicated patient-derived AML-iPS cell lines with or without ectopic lentiviral expression of NRASG12D, treated with VEN at the indicated concentrations. %Viability compared to DMSO-treated group is shown. n = 3 for AML-4.24 treated with 12 μM VEN and n = 4 for all other groups. Mean and SD are shown. P values were calculated with a two-tailed unpaired t test. h, Summary schematic of the effects of RAS mutation acquisition in different HSPC types. RAS mutations acquired by more primitive HSPCs (HSC/MPPs or CMPs) result in reduction of GMP formation and reciprocal increase in megakaryocyte and erythroid progenitors (MEP) (left panel). Acquisition of RAS mutations in GMPs drives their differentiation towards the monocytic and away from the granulocytic lineage (right panel).