Chronology of the clinical decision support system (CDSS) projects and their technological basis. The years indicate the first publication or the first release (if specified in the article). Expert systems (also known as knowledge‐based CDSSs) implement human knowledge into knowledge bases. CDSSs based on data visualization query and visualize the data of similar patients recorded in reference databases. Model‐based CDSSs implement mathematical predictive models. They are commonly termed “AI‐powered” or “AI‐driven.” *The “Prognosis for patients with RR‐MS” and “sNfL reference app” names were given by the authors of this review. AEDSS, Automatic Expanded Disability Status Scale; EBDiMS, Evidence‐Based Decision Support Tool in Multiple Sclerosis; GAMLSS, generalized additive model for location, scale and shape; GLM, generalized linear model; MS, multiple sclerosis; PHREND, Predictive Healthcare With Real‐World Evidence for Neurological Disorders; RR‐MS, relapsing–remitting MS; sNfL, serum neurofilament light chain; UISS‐MS, Universal Immune System Simulator (MS extension).