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. 2024 Jun 11;32(1):e16363. doi: 10.1111/ene.16363



Advancement of the clinical development of the clinical decision support system (CDSS) projects. The roadmap has been inspired by the one conveyed by the DECIDE‐AI working group. Circles represent the reported development steps and are colored according to the accessibility of the CDSS. Multiple steps could be reported by a single article. Platform names are mentioned in parentheses. *The “Prognosis for patients with RR‐MS” and “sNfL reference app” names were given by the authors of this review. AEDSS, Automatic Expanded Disability Status Scale; EBDiMS, Evidence‐Based Decision Support Tool in Multiple Sclerosis; MD, medical device; MS, multiple sclerosis; MVP, minimum viable product; PHREND, Predictive Healthcare With Real‐World Evidence for Neurological Disorders; POC, proof of concept; PRIMUS, Projections in Multiple Sclerosis; RR‐MS, relapsing–remitting MS; SMSreg, Swedish MS Registry; sNfL, serum neurofilament light chain; UISS‐MS, Universal Immune System Simulator (MS extension).