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. 2024 Sep 6;13(6):502–512. doi: 10.21037/acs-2024-dcd-0074

Table 1. Donor characteristics.

Characteristics Donor characteristics by donor type/preservation strategy
DCD-NMP (n=44) BD-HMP (n=38) BD-SCS (n=78) P value
Sex (M:F) 38:6 27:11 54:24 0.1
Age (years), mean ± SD 35±11 36±13 36±12 0.8
Height (cm), mean ± SD 174±16 176±10 176±10 0.6
Weight (kg), mean ± SD 83±19 82±16 82±14 0.9
Mechanism of death, n [%]
   Hypoxic brain injury 18 [41] 22 [58] 43 [55]
   CVA 13 [30] 11 [29] 25 [32]
   Traumatic brain injury 12 [27] 5 [13] 9 [12]
   Brain tumor (US) 0 [0] 0 [0] 1 [1]
   Volunteer assisted dying 1 [2]
Transmedics OCS run time/donor preservation time/donor ischaemic time (BD donor) (min), mean ± SD 249±49 (Transmedics OCS run time) 361±89†,‡ (donor preservation time) 208±47 (donor ischaemic time) <0.001
Donor located outside of state, n [%] 27 [61] 28 [74] 19 [24] <0.001

, significantly greater than DCD-NMP group on post-hoc analysis; , significantly greater than BD-SCS group on post-hoc analysis. DCD-NMP, donation after circulatory death-normothermic machine perfusion; BD-HMP, brain dead-hypothermic machine perfusion; BD-SCS, brain dead-static cold storage; F, female; M, male; SD, standard deviation; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; BD, brain dead; OCS, organ care system.