Illustration of time at risk for progression to outcome and censoring. Patients A–E had AMD severity group 2 or 3 at baseline (year 0). Patient A with baseline severity group 2 and follow-up visits in year 2, 3, and 4 with AMD severity group for their eye under study graded as 2, 3, and 3, respectively, and thus was considered a progressor at year 4 (at the confirmation visit). Patient B (OD) with baseline AMD severity group 3 was considered as a non-progressor in year 4 (at the end of follow-up). Patient C (OD) with AMD severity group 2 at baseline, transitioned to AMD severity group 4 in year 2 and was graded as AMD severity group 3 in year 3. The eye transitioned through both the higher advanced and non-advanced severity stages and was confirmed as an outcome in year 3 at a non-advanced stage. Patient D (OS) with baseline AMD severity group 2, was considered a progressor as there were 2 consecutive visits with AMD severity group 3 in years 1 and 2. Patient E (OS) with baseline AMD severity group 2 was graded as AMD severity group 3 in year 3 with no transition confirmation in any of the consecutive visits and was considered as a non-progressor at year 5. Patient F (OS) with baseline AMD severity group 3 was considered a progressor as there were 2 consecutive visits with AMD severity group 4 in years 4 and 5. AMD, age-related macular degeneration; OD, right eye; OS, left eye.