Fig. 4.
Correlations between tumor markers and the relative abundance of each bacteria.
(A), (B) Distribution of Spearman correlation coefficients between sIL-2Ra levels and the relative abundance of each individual bacteria (X-axis) and the R2 score (Y-axis) for patients with ATLL and high-risk HTLV-1 carriers in cohort 1 (A) and cohort 2 (B). The bacterial names in the figure represent the bacterial genera whose abundance increased with the progression of ATLL identified in the previous section. Red plots represent bacteria that were found in five or more subjects; subjects had measurable bacterial abundance values and sIL-2Ra levels. A relative abundance of 0 was omitted before the correlation coefficient was calculation.
(C), (D) The distribution of sIL-2Ra levels (X-axis) and relative abundance (Y-axis) of Eubacterium_G (left) and Klebsiella (right). The relative abundance values were converted by log10. Corr, Spearman's correlation coefficient: R2, coefficient of determination. The plot color represents ATLL subtypes: green, high-risk HTLV-1 carrier; yellow, smoldering type; pink, acute type; and cyan, lymphoma type. (C) Patients with ATLL and high-risk HTLV-1 carriers in cohort 1 and (D) patients with ATLL in cohort 2.
(E), (F) The relative abundance of Eubacterium_G (left) and Klebsiella (right). The relative abundance values were converted by log10. P values were calculated by the two-tailed Brunner–Munzel test. (E) Cohort 1 and (F) cohort 2.