Overview of used fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies (Beckman Coulter)
Gating strategy: Leukocyte count is gated by CD45-KrO antibody and side scatter parameters (SSC). Lymphocyte protocol: gated as CD45+ cells with low side scatter. B-cells are CD3−CD19+ in the next scattergram and T-cells as CD3+CD19−. Tcr-gd subsets are CD3+ and TCRgd-positive in the next scattergram. In a following scattergram T-regulatory lymphocytes are identified using CD25-PC5.5 antibody and CD127-PE antibody as CD25+CD127dim.
Monocyte protocol: gated as CD14+ with low SSC. Monocytic subpopulations are subdivided using CD16-PC7 antibody and CD14-PE antibody to classical monocytes CD14++CD16−, intermediate monocytes CD14++CD16+ and non-classical monocytes CD14+CD16++.