Extended Data Fig. 4. BFA and BFF applied to other behavioral tests and setups.
(a) Schematic showing experimental design for the light-dark box (LDB) test after chronic restraint stress (CRS). (b) Power analysis comparing different numbers of k-means clusters with classical readouts ("transitions" and "time in light") for the LDB test. (c) Cluster occurrences in LDB after CRS (n=16, controls: n=16; two-tailed t-tests with multiple testing correction). (d) BFA reveals a treatment effect of CRS (one-tailed z-test, percentile=99.5, z=3.06, p=1.09*10−3, d=0.91) in LDB. (e) BFF applied to LDB data after CRS (n=16, controls: n=16). (f) Schematic showing experimental design for exposure to fear conditioning box. (g) Power analysis comparing different numbers of k-means clusters for fear conditioning box. (h) Cluster occurrences in fear conditioning box (IFS: n=20, controls: n=15; two-tailed t-tests with multiple testing correction). (i) BFA shows a treatment effect of the fear conditioning box (one-tailed z-test, percentile=99.9, z=10.6, p=0, d=5.44). (j) BFF applied to fear conditioning box data (IFS: n=20, controls: n=15). Each bin represents 5 minutes. (k) Comparison of classical behavior readouts for different doses of diazepam (n=24, vehicle: n=8) or yohimbine (n=24, vehicle: n=8) (one-way ANOVA, time in center for diazepam: F(3,28)=0.78, adj. p=5.14*10−1; for yohimbine: F(3,28)=3.2, adj. p=3.84*10−2; distance moved for diazepam: F(3,28)=4.09, adj. p=2.62*10−2; for yohimbine; F(3,28)=46.27, adj. p=2.81*10−10; supported rears for diazepam: F(3,28)=4.68, adj. p=2.26*10−2, for yohimbine: F(3,28)=29.18, adj. p=1.53*10−8; unsupported rears for diazepam: F(3,28)=8.85, adj. p=1.38*10−3; for yohimbine: F(3,28)=4.02, adj. p=2.11*10−2). (l) Power analysis comparing different numbers of k-means clusters with classical OFT readouts after treatment with diazepam or (m) yohimbine. (n) BFA reveals differences between higher doses of diazepam (2 or 3 mg/kg) compared to lower doses (1 mg/kg) (one-tailed z-test, 1 vs. 2 mg/kg: percentile=96.4, z=2.04, p=2.06*10−2, d=0.19; 1 vs. 3 mg/kg: percentile=99.7, z=3.34, p=4.15*10−4, d=1.15; 2 vs. 3 mg/kg: percentile=49.45, z=−0.1, p=5.41*10−1). (o) BFA shows treatment differences between different doses of yohimbine (one-tailed z-test, 1 vs. 3 mg/kg: percentile=99.7, z=3.71, p=1.05*10−4, d=2.45; 1 vs. 6 mg/kg: percentile=99.8, z=5.68, p=6.82*10−9, d=5.36; 3 vs. 6 mg/kg: percentile=99.2, z=3.43, p=3.00*10−4, d=1.49). p-values and adj. p-values are denoted as: *<0.05, **<0.01, ***<0.001. Error bars in the bar plots denote mean ± SEM. For every UMAP embedding, the crossbars represent the average UMAP1 and UMAP2 values with SEM for each group. For box plots, the center line denotes the median value, while the bounding box delineates the 25th to 75th percentiles. Whiskers represent 1.5 times the interquartile range from the lower and upper bounds of the box.