(A) Australia for reference. (B) Public wild distribution records, sourced from the Atlas of Living Australia, and (C) sample locations for Isoodon obesulus samples across south‐eastern Australia. Populations and sample sizes after filtering were: Adelaide Hills (n = 19, hence Adelaide), Mt. Rothwell Biodiversity Interpretation Centre (n = 21, hence Mt. Rothwell), Mt. Burr (n = 15), Grampians (n = 9), Greater Otways NP (n = 10), Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens (n = 21, hence Cranbourne), Koo Wee Rup swamp (n = 14), Wilsons Promontory NP (n = 6), Gippsland (specifically Cape Conran, n = 5), Inner Sister Island (n = 4), Tasmania North (n = 9), and Tasmania South (n = 4).