PDZ domain-containing 8 (PDZD8) knockdown inhibits palmitic acid (PA)-induced mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane (MAM) formation in insulin 1 (INS-1) cells. (A, B) The MAM in INS-1 cells was measured using the transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The red arrows point to MAM. (C) The interaction between voltage-dependent anionselective channel 1 (VDAC1) and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 (IP3R1) was detected using the proximity ligation assay. (D) The protein expression of PDZD8 and MAM-related proteins in INS-1 cells were detected by Western blotting. M, mitochondria; siPDZD8, siRNA PDZ domain-containing 8; GRP75, glucose-regulated protein 75; PDI, protein disulfide isomerase; COX IV, cytochrome c oxidase 4. aP<0.05 vs. control (Con) group, bP<0.05 vs. PA+shRNA negative control (shNC) group.