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Table 1.

Overview of outcome measurements of illustrative trials in CLTI patients using gene therapy.

Reference Vector Injection site Patients treated with gene therapy Diabetic patients Primary outcome Secondary outcome Endpoints met Study design
Barć et al. (29) VEGF + HGF enc. PL IM 14 pIRES/VEGF165/HGF; 14 untreated All patients No clear description ABI, rest pain, angiography Better wound healing, less rest pain, increased ABI, more collaterals RNBNP-C
Belch et al. (25) FGF enc. PL IM 259 NV1FGF; 266 placebo 52% NV1FGF; 54% placebo MAFS, study related death <1 year Mortality, minor amputations, skin lesion status, pain, QOL None RDBP-C
Gu et al. (23) HGF enc. PL IM 50 low dose; 50 middle dose; 50 high dose; 50 placebo 34–38% per group Rest pain Ulcer size TcPO2, ABI, TBI, amputation rate, mortality Less rest pain, complete ulcer healing* RDBP-C
Kusumanto et al. (18) VEGF enc. PL IM 27 phVEGF165; 27 placebo All patients Amputation ABI, TBI, wound area, pain, mortality TBI/ABI increased RDBP-C
Mäkinen et al. (17) VEGF enc. AV or PL IA 17 plasmid; 18 adenoviral; 19 placebo 24% PL; 17% AV; 32% placebo Vascularity (DSA) Major amputation, ulcer healing, rest pain Restenosis rate, Rutherford class, ABI, Vascularity increased (DSA) RDBP-C
Nikol et al. (24) FGF enc. Pl IM 59 NV1FGF; 66 placebo 37% NV1FGF; 50% placebo Ulcer healing Amputation, mortality, hemodynamic parameters, pain Amputation risk reduced RDBP-C
Powell et al. (22) HGF enc. PL IM 21 HGF; 6 placebo 62% HGF; 50% placebo Ulcer healing, major amputation, pain ABI, TBI, mortality, QOL TBI improved, pain improved RDBP-C
Shigematsu et al. (21) HGF enc. PL IM 27 HGF; 13 placebo 52% HGF; 62% placebo Ulcer healing, rest pain Major amputation, ABI, QOL Higher improvement rate** RDBP-C

*in the high-dose group; **not further defined.

ABI, ankle brachial index; AV, adenovirus; enc., encoding; IA, intra-arterial; IM, intramuscular; MAFS, major amputation-free survival; Pl, plasmid; QOL, quality of life; RDBP-C, randomized double-blind placebo-controlled; RNBNP-C, randomized not blinded, not placebo-controlled; TBI, toe brachial index; TcPO2, transcutaneous oxygen pressure.