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. 2024 Dec 5;14(12):e084664. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-084664

Table 1. Source datasets.

Dataset Dataset description Key variables Custodian Data linkage unit Availability Quality
Screening cohort Patients tested for AE antibodies 2008–2019. Date, specimen type and test result. Laboratory N/A N/A High
Reference cohort Patients meeting consensus diagnostic criteria for definite or probable AE. Clinical presentation (seizures, psychosis, memory impairment), immunotherapy. Hospital N/A N/A High
Hospital Separations from all public and most private hospitals. Dates, diagnostic and procedure codes, intensive care and assisted ventilation hours. State or territory Jurisdictional Variable Generally good48 49
Emergency Presentations to emergency departments at public hospitals. Dates of presentations and diagnostic codes. State or territory Jurisdictional Variable Generally fair50 51
MCD Medicare is Australia’s universal health insurance provider. The dataset stores personal details for registered individuals. Year of birth, sex, geographical location. Commonwealth AIHW 2008–2021 High
PBS Claims for prescription medicines with a government benefit. Anticonvulsants, immunotherapy, cancer therapy, comorbidities. Commonwealth AIHW 2003–2021 High
MBS Health service claims that qualify for a government benefit. Cancer treatment, neurological investigations. Commonwealth AIHW 1984–2021 High
DS NMDS Disability services utilisation and client assessments. Functional performance, carer data, employment, income. Commonwealth AIHW 2003–2019 Variable52 53
ACD Registry of all new cases of cancer diagnosed in Australia. Date and type of cancer diagnosis. State or territory AIHW 1982–2021 High54
AEDC Reports early childhood development. Scores in all domains (physical, social, emotional, language/cognitive, communication). Commonwealth AIFS 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 High55
NAPLAN Reports academic performance. Scores in all domains (reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy). State or territory AIFS 2003–2021 High56
NDI Coded data of all deaths in Australia. Date and cause of death. State or territory AIHW 2008–2021 Good57

ACDAustralian Cancer DatabaseAEautoimmune encephalitidesAEDCAustralian Early Development CensusAIHWAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareDS NMDSDisability Services National Minimum Data SetMBSMedicare Benefits ScheduleMCDMedicare Consumer DirectoryNAPLANNational Assessment Program – Literacy and NumeracyNDINational Death IndexPBSPharmaceutical Benefits Scheme