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. 2024 Dec 8;38(1):e13328. doi: 10.1111/jar.13328


Characteristics of 23 included studies (In alphabetical order).

Lead Author (year) Country Study design Number of participants Participants Participant age group Primary diagnosis of client participnts
Bullard, Harvey, and Abbeduto (2021) US Cohort 40 participants Clients and carers Children Fragile‐X syndrome
(Delves et al. 2022) Australia Cohort 191 participants Clients and carers Adults Mental health conditions with ID
(Eapen, Hiscock, and Williams 2021) Australia Descriptive Clients DD, ASD, ID
(Gentile et al. 2018) US Descriptive Over 900 participants Clients Mental health condition and ID
(Hodge et al. 2019) Australia Non‐randomised experimental 39 participants Clients and clinicians Children Specific learning disorder with ADHD, ID
(Hopper, Buckman, and Edwards 2011) Australia Non‐randomised experimental 10 participants


Children DD, ID
(Langkamp, McManus, and Blakemore 2015) US Cohort 295 participants Clients and carers Children and young people DD, ASD, CP, ADHD, Down syndrome
(Letourneau et al. 2003) Canada Descriptive 208 participants Clients Children Epilepsy, DD, headache
(Madhavan 2019) US Literature review 5 studies Adults and children Mental health care patients with ID
(McNally et al. 2022) US Cohort 382 participants Clients, carers, and clinicians Children ASD, DD, ID, LD
(Merrill, Cowan, and Gentile 2017) US Descriptive Over 1000 participants Clients Mental health condition and ID
(Nicholson et al. 2023) UK Cohort 61 participants Clinicians ID Clinicians
(Pearl et al. 2014) US, UAE Descriptive Not given Clients Adults and children CP, ASD, DD, epilepsy, neurogenetic disorders, congenital abnormalities
(Prelack et al. 2022) US Descriptive 7130 participants Clients Children Epilepsy, migraine, DD
(Reese et al. 2013) US RCT 47 participants Clients, carers, and clinicians



(Rosen et al. 2022) US Cohort 640 participants Carers Adults and children ID
(Rowell et al. 2014) Australia Cohort 126 participants Clients Children CP, ID, DD, Down syndrome, Noonan Syndrome, mitochondrial disorders
(Shawler et al. 2021) US Non‐randomised experimental 1 participant


Adult ASD, ID, Down syndrome
(Spaan, Verzaal, and Kaal 2021) The Netherlands Non‐randomised experimental 89 participants Client Adults Suspected mild to borderline ID
(Temple et al. 2010) Canada Non‐randomised experimental 19 participants


Adults ID, ASD, Down syndrome, Mixed expressive‐receptive disorder
(Trivisano et al. 2020) Italy Cohort 3321 participants Clients and carers Adults and child(ren Epilepsy
(Verma et al. (2022) US Cohort 5 clinics Clients Children ASD, DD
(Whittingham and Coons‐Harding 2021)


Literature review

3 studies Children Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Abbreviations: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; CP = cerebral palsy; DD = developmental delay; ID = intellectual disability; LD = learning disorder/disability; UAE = United Arab Emirates; UK = United Kingdom; US = United States.