Figure 1.
Kaplan-Meier plots for ex-miRNAs. The x-axis “Follow-up time” indicates years to new breast cancer event, and the y-axis “Prob(Free of Breast Cancer)” indicates the proportion of participants with event-free survival. The variable ex-miRNA was defined as: if ex-miRNA ≥ median Ct-value, then low ex-miRNA expression (red); if ex-miRNA < median Ct-value, then high ex-miRNA expression (blue). A. Among the 1622 female participants with analyzed miR-134-5p levels, there were 51 new breast cancer cases (among 811 participants with miR-134-5p levels above the median, there were 22 new breast cancer cases; among 811 participants with miR-134-5p levels below the median, there were 29 new breast cancer cases). B. Among the 1843 female participants with analyzed miR-505-3p levels, there were 49 new breast cancer cases (among 923 participants with miR-505-3p levels above median, there were 18 new breast cancer cases; among 920 participants with miR-505-3p levels below median, there were 32 new breast cancer cases).