Graphical representation of the clinical events and quality of life components of the primary effectiveness outcome measure through 2-year follow-up in the stratified randomized groups of patients with reduced ejection fraction (≤40%) or preserved ejection fraction (>40%). A and C, Reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). B and D, Preserved LVEF. A and B, The clinical components of the hierarchical composite primary end point: the cumulative incidence of all events, including all-cause death, left ventricular assist device (LVAD) or heart transplant procedures, hospitalizations for heart failure (HFHs), or worsening heart failure (HF) outpatient events. The Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard rate function describes the estimated rate at which events will have occurred, given that the individual has survived up to that time point (ie, at any given time, the Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard rate denotes the expected number of events per patient followed for that length of time). The number at the end of each curve is the 2-year hazard rate. C and D, The quality-of-life component of the hierarchical composite primary end point: the change in Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire overall summary score (KCCQ-OSS) from baseline during 2-year follow-up. All P values should be considered hypothesis-generating.